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21st March 1942.  
A lovely day, nearly all hot sun, but keen E. breeze at 1.40 in back garden.  Daisy surprised a ♀︎ Bombus jonellus on Salix catkins, which flew on to sedge at motor-house wall & sunned itself, thus giving me time to come & note the species.  A Small Tortoiseshell Butterfly arrived while we were watching the Bumble.  Later in afternoon Daisy saw a ♀︎ Bombus lucorum on flowers of Daphne mezereum in Miss Pennden's garden in Kenilworth Park.  Started to feed snails this evening.  Five daffodils which had been almost out for last few days all opened on this afternoon in back garden when the sun reached them.

First flowers of Flowering Currant in back garden just showing stamens (? or pistil) on this day, which was all sunny, with cool E. breeze.  Small Tortoiseshell again seen & ♀︎ Bombus lucorum on the Salex (♀︎) catkins at 1.30 P.M.  Primula sikkimensis (?) in front garden with first flowers open.
Took 2 P.M. bus to Bohernabreena & walked up Glenasmole, across lower dam, along top of the coombs east of lower reservoir to upper dam & back by the avenue to 6.5 P.M. bus & home.
Andrena clarkella, many ♂︎♂︎ & 1 fresh ♀︎, at side of road where flood of 1931 swept them away:  ♂︎♂︎ seen at Coltsfoot flower, on paling posts & flying round Salix, none of which was yet nearly in flower.


22.3.1942.  Glenasmole, DU., cont.

Halictus calceatus  1♀︎ on Coltsfoot flower with last.
Marsh Marigold in marsh just about to open first flower & one Chiff-chaff singing just above Mrs. Doyle's, but none heard at bus terminus & no Hirundines seen today, though entirely sunny & very hot out of the wind (E.).

In the 2nd & 3rd Coomb on E. side of lower reservoir Andrena apicata ♂︎♂︎ & A. clarkella ♂︎♂︎ & 1♀︎ seen at the usual banks, but no Nomada seen.

These bee banks now rather damaged & seriously jeopardized by slips, caused by springs coming out of the Glacial sands & gravals.

Bombus lucorum  1♀︎ seen in 3rd coomb:  watched for some time during which it spent several minutes at flowers of whin (Ulex europaeus) the only flowers available at this spot.

Peacock Butterfly seen in 3rd coomb & two more seen at right of old garden below upper dam, the latter two very worn & faded.  

Primroses in flower in several places in scrub between & in the coombs.

No parasitic hymenoptera seen or swept.