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28.4.42, cont.  Clara, WI., cont.

Eclytus fontinalis  2♂︎♂︎ at 1.
Mesoleptus ♂︎♂︎ in damp spots: not kept.
Campoplegids: about a dozen, but kept only 1 & 1 from 2
= Sagaritus  ♀︎ at 1
Gen. et sp.?  ♀︎ at 1
Agrypon sp.  The usual sp. common in the wood & about Vaccinium: not kept.
Bracon praetermissus?  1♂︎ ant. broken.
Bathystomus [[strikethrough]] funestus Hal. [[/strikethrough]] vernalis miki  ♂︎ at 1, ant. 28:
Apanteles  small black ♂︎ at 1.
Ap.  larger black ♂︎ at 2.
Earinus  several ♀︎♀︎:  not mounted.
Euphorus pallipes?  ant. 24.
Euphorus sp.? near coactus Marsh.  ant. 21, dark legs.
Microctonus cynthius Lyle  1♂︎ = longicaudatus miki MS.;  at 1, ant. 27.
Calyptus? sp.?  ♂︎, at 1, ant. 28, won't fit anything!
Opius cf. aemulus  ♂︎ at 1, ant. 21;  certainly same species as Faris ♀︎ from Farrinseer, CV., with 26-seg. ant.
Aspilota [not mounted!] ♂︎♂︎.
Orthostigma  3♂︎♂︎ at 1, ant. 25, 27 & 27.
Dacnusa longiradialis  1♂︎.
D. areolaris frequent.
D. aphanta  1♂︎.
[No Dacnusa mounted!]
Aphidius:  one only:  not kept.


28.4.42, cont.  Clara, WI., cont.

Proctos.  5 or 6: kept only 3 from 1 & 1 from 2 =

House Martins seen between Clara & Laragh.
Holly Blue ♂︎♂︎ frequent.
Speckled Wood:  one seen.  Small Tortoiseshell (1) & Peacock.
Large green shield-bug, – prasina, at 1.
Some 7 or 8 beetles taken & given to O'Mahony.
Small black hairy Dipteron at 2 = 

29th April 1942.

A bitter cold day with same strong E. wind & very little sun till afternoon & then only through a high haze.

In afternoon drove to Powerscourt, Co. WI.;  left car at main entrance & spent a couple of hours along the river below where road from house to waterfall meets river.  Very few hymenoptera taken by sweeping.

Powerscourt Demesne, Co. WI.
[Only 6 insects mounted & these labelled 19.2.44!]

Bombus lapidarius  1♀︎.
B. lucorum  several ♀︎♀︎.
B. agrorum  1♀︎.

Transcription Notes:
Farrinseer = Farranseer, County Cavan