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21.5.42 AM., cont.  Old Head, Co. WM., A.M. cont.

Apanteles imperator Wilk.  ♀︎ √ AWS. 22.2.44. at 1;  another at 2.
Meteorus  ♂︎ at 1.
Euphorus "picipes Hal."  ♀︎ pale, 18-seg. antennae, on Salix at 1.
Ichneutes reunitor??  3♂︎♂︎ at 1, on Salix.  [1♂︎ mounted, has short, only 25-seg. antennae!]
Aspilota rufata?  ♂︎ at 2.
Dacnusa striatula  1 on Salix at 1.
Aphidius  on Salix at 1.
Rhyssalus clavator  ♂︎ at 2.

21.5.42, P.M.  Woods on E. side of "The Black Hill" Old Head, Co. WM. (mostly along roadway through wood).

Andrena albicans  ♀︎ } by roadside above wood & towards N. cliffs.
Andrena fucata  ♀︎ } by roadside above wood & towards N. cliffs.
A. jacobi  worn ♀︎ } by roadside above wood & towards N. cliffs.
A. nigroaenea  ♂︎♂︎ & ♀︎♀︎ in quarry N. of hill.
A. hillana  ♂︎.
Vespa rufa  ♀︎, with austriaca coloration.
Nomada goodeniana  ♀︎♀︎ in quarry with A. nigroaenea
Formica fusca } near quarry
Myrmica ruginodis } near quarry


21.5.42, P.M., cont.  Wood, &c., Old Head, Co. WM. cont.

Pachyprotasis rapae  ♀︎.
Selandria serva  ♂︎ in ditch above wood.♀︎
Stromboceros delicatulus  ♂︎♂︎.
Pontania  ♀︎♀︎ at Salix.
P.  ♂︎ & ♀︎ at Salix.
Cratichneumon  ♂︎♂︎ common.
Barichneumon?  ♂︎.
Ichneumon terminatorius  ♀︎.
Phaeogenes fulvipes?  ♀︎.
Smicroplectrus bohemani  ♂︎ - P.T.O. ->
Cryptid  ♂︎
Acrodactyla madida  ♂︎
Pimpla flavicoxis  ♂︎♂︎.
Metopius dissectorius at Salix just below gate.
Bassus tricinctus  ♂︎♂︎
Promethes scutellarius  ♂︎.
Saotis sp.  ♀︎, ant. 24.
Homocidus pectoratorius  ♂︎.
Polyblastus pyramidatus  ♂︎, ant. 29 [♂︎ unknown fide Schmiedeknecht!]
Paniscus  ♂︎.
Agrypon  ♀︎
Campoplex red ♂︎.
Campoplegids common, about a dozen taken:  [[strikethrough]] only [[/strikethrough]] 1 mounted, see below.
Dioctes exareolatus  ♂︎♂︎ & ♀︎♀︎:  not kept.
Gen. et sp.  ♀︎ short terebra, reddish abd., ant. 33, mounted =