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24.5.42, aft. cont.  Old Head, WM., cont.

Taken at 1.
[34 mounted from 1 & these labelled 26.2.44! AWS.]

Dolerus nigratus  ♀︎  
[For other sawflies from 1 see p.165 ante!]
Barichneumon? cf. gemellus  ♂︎
Cryptinae  3♀︎♀︎ = 
Hemiteles areator group } none mounted
H. sp. } none mounted
Phygadeuon? sp. } none mounted
Pimpla (Itoplectis) clavicornis:  a beautiful ♂︎.
Pimpla angens  ♂︎.
P.  ♂︎.
P. oculatoria?  ♂︎ small & dark!
Polyspincta madida √  ♀︎
Glypta?  ♂︎ matt sp. cf. teres group?

Polyblastus  ♂︎, black femora, ant. 28.
Mesoleius  2♂︎♂︎:  one mounted, ant. 31.
[M.  ♀︎, ? refers to Hom. flavolineatus below!  AWS. 1944]

Bassus tricinctus  2♀︎♀︎:  not mounted.
Homocidus cinctus?  1♀︎, with no pale marks on abd.
H. pectoratorius  ♀︎, not mounted.
H. flavolineatus:  a huge ♀︎, with 26-seg. ant.
H. dimidiatus √  2♂︎♂︎ mounted, I refer to this species!  AWS. 1944.
H. pallipes √  ♂︎ & 2♀︎♀︎:  1♂︎ mounted √ AWS. 1944.


24.5.42, Aft. cont.  Old Head, WM. cont.

Taken at 1:  cont.
Ophion obscurus?  ♀︎:  not mounted
Thersilochid at Salix  1♂︎, 2♀︎♀︎:  not mounted.
Campoplegids:  15, including Dioctes exareolatus  ♂︎♂︎ & ♀︎♀︎.
Eulimneria rufifemur?  ♀︎, ant. 38, the only one mounted.

Helictes  ♂︎:  not mounted.

Euphorus picipes Hal. (♀︎?) ant. entirely testaceous, 18-seg.
Centistes foveolatus sp. n.  1♀︎.  Type.  Ant. 21, valves of terebra blunt, mesonotum with deep dimple, no notauli, &c.  A.W.S. 27.2.1944.
Eubadizon extensor  ♂︎ & ♀︎, small.
Macrocentrus nitidus  ♀︎
Alysia similis Hal.  1♂︎, 2♀︎♀︎, ant. 26, 24 & 25, same as taken in Glenasmole, DU. AWS.
A. sp.? near last  1♂︎, with 30-short-segmented antennae & rather dark legs, possibly subaperta Thoms.
Monoctonus paludum Marsh.?  1 lovely ♀︎, ant. 13, abdomen elongate-lanceolate, radius arenate, &c.
Aphidius cf. pascuorum  1♀︎?? ant. 17;  abd. mainly fuscous, legs sordid.
Proctos.  3 (2 mounted) =
Chalcids  3.
Cynipids:  abundant, 9 taken: 1 mounted =