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24.5.42 [[strikethrough]] (1) strikethrough]] cont.  Old Head, WM. cont.

Taken at 1: cont.
Diptera 2 =
Beetles about a dozen: not separated
[Crabro dimidiatius ♂︎ in dining room of hotel in evening]

Taken at 2
Sawfly: dark wings: ♀︎ = Scolioneura betulati
Anteon (not mounted) ♂︎; same as taken at 1, white mandibles.  
Cratichneumon ♂︎: not mounted
Phaeogenes fulvipes  ♀︎: not mounted
Exochus [[strikethrough]] sp. near [[?cidens]] Thoms. but more yellow marked head! [[/strikethrough]] pictus 
Bassus tricinctus  ♀︎ } none mounted
Mesochorus  ♀︎ } none mounted
Campoplegids 2 = } none mounted
Adelognathus brevicornis  ♀︎.
Plectiscid:  large areolet:  ♂︎ = Acroblapticus dentifer ♂︎
Bracon osculator  ♂︎ & ♀︎, black.
Oenone  2:  not mounted.
Trioxys betulae??  ♀︎, small & dark.
Chalcid:  long-tailed ♀︎ at oak:  not mounted.


25th May 1942.

A poor & wild day, with very heavy showers (& thunder) at frequent intervals.

Set out about 11.30 on bikes to go to cliff, S. of Drummin, at E. end of Sheefry range, but after reaching the foot of the pass behind Croagh Patrick decided not to proceed further.  Left bikes in cart-shed & explored slopes at base of Ben Goram - Croagh Patrick, where nothing of any interest seen except Saxifraga umbrosa in one gully beside a waterfall.  Returned to Old Head about 5.30 & spent half-an-hour in woods in sunlight, but took only two icks.
:- Bassus tricinctus ♂︎ & Homocidus biguttatus ♂︎.

26th May 1942.

An equally wild day with even heavier showers, but some nice sunny intervals in afternoon.  Before afternoon tea walked along coast E. of mouth of the Bunowen at Louisburgh, where saw one patch of Antennaria dioica ♂︎ near top of cliffs.  Later walked round coast of Old Head & saw Empetrum nigrum in two places above cliffs.  Donald Wallace gave me a ♀︎ Parabatus cirstatus cf. v. franki Brauns taken under sack.

Transcription Notes:
Sheefry = Sheeffry Mountains