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27th May 1942. 

A fine morning with S.W. breeze & much rain;  but immediately after lunch wind went SE. with heavy rain till 8 P.M.

In forenoon rode on bikes to RCC chapel at Killeen (?), near Roonah Lough, then across to Cregganbaun (on the Doo Lough road!) & home via Louisburgh.  After lunch had only five minutes sweeping Salix & birch at top of field beyond stream in front of hotel before heavy rain stopped collecting. 

In evening walked to the salmon pool on Bunowen & back.

Old Head, Co. WM  2:30 P.M.

Hemiteles  ♂︎, ant. 21.
Pimpla similis?  1♀︎ swept off salix;  ant. 24.
Mesochorus  red ♂︎, ant. 38.
Eubadizon extensor  ♀︎, ant. 42.
Oenone sp. with dark wings  1 = Oe.
Aphidius sp.  ♂︎, blackish, ant. 16.

In forenoon saw a ☿ Bombus jonellus on Salix aurita by roadside just W. of Louisburgh & further south a ♀︎ flew across road which was either B. distinguendus or B. muscorum;  I think the former.


28th May 1942.

A nice day with much hot sun, quite spoiled in afternoon by frequent heavy drip from SW. making collecting after 3 P.M. quite impossible.

In forenoon collected along south edge of wood on Black Hill for a couple of hours & then through wood to gate at top of road between Black Hill & The Little Hill, then down road to hotel.  In afternoon collected by sweeping Salix & birth along S. & E. edges of The Little Hill at top of field opposite hotel & near quay.  Later took ♂︎ Coelinius by roadside outside gate of hotel as one turns right to Louisburgh.

28/5/42 "AM."  South side of Black Hill, &c., Old Head, Co. WM.
[24 insects mounted & these labelled 1/3/44! AWS.]

Bombus agrorum, lucorum & hortorum (1) ♀︎♀︎.
Andrena albicans  ♂︎ at ♂︎ Salix aurita (still in flower!)
A. saundersella  2♀︎♀︎, one at flower of Veronica chamaedrys 
Nomada ruficornis  very nice ♂︎ & ♀︎.
Crabro varius  1♂︎.
C. leucostomus  ♀︎, frequent.
C. chrysostomus  ♂︎♂︎ frequent.

Butterflies:  Dingy Skipper (- tages) along edge of wood.
Green Hairstreak, Wall & Speckled Wood (very worn)
Small Copper.
Hornfly =