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30.5.42, cont.  Old Head, WM., cont.

Taken at 1, cont.
Opius irregularis ♂︎, ant. 27. 
O. cf. instabilis, very small ♂︎?, as mouth seems open. 

Dacnusa areolaris  2♂︎♂︎, 1♀︎, not mounted. 
D. stramineipes  1♀︎; ant. 28
D. affinis  ♂︎? not mounted 
D. cincta?:  a large marvelous ♂︎ with long antennae, short post-petiole & dark apex to hind femora, &c. = {This can only be a dark-legged variety of cincta (Hal.) Nixon, with 40-seg. ant.;  unless it is a n. sp. or a freak of eros Nixon.  A.W.S. 6.3.44
D. sp. between aphanta & lateralis, ♂︎, ant. 29, wings rather short & broad, head & mandibles powerful, tergite 2 reddish, &c.
Aphidius spp.  5:  none mounted!
Proctos  2 (1 mounted).


30.5.42, cont.  Old Head, WM., cont.

Taken at 2.
[16 insects mounted & these labelled 5/3/44! AWS]

Anteon  ♂︎, black antennae.
Fenella nigrita  ♀︎ on birch
Criptinae  2.
Promethes sulcator & cognatus  ♂︎♂︎
Homocidus pulcher & obscuripes  ♂︎♂︎.
Chorinaeus crassipes sp. n.  1♀︎, ant. 27.  Short thick legs, tarsi, & very short stout antennae, black face, yellow eye margins, &c.  A.W.S. 25.12.1944
Exochus pictus  1, ant. 29.
Bracon communis?  ♂︎, very small, black legs, ant. only 24!
Ascogaster rufipes  2♂︎♂︎
[[strikethrough]] Small clouded-winged Apantelid sp.? name [[/strikethrough]] = Acoelius subfasciatus  2♀︎♀︎.
Euphorus pallipes group.  1, pale antennae, pale stigma, ant. 22-seg. &c.
Meteorus scutellatus  ♀︎, ant. 33.
Macrocentrus nitidus  ♀︎.
M. collaris  ♀︎.
Oenone with clear wings frequent:  3 taken:  not mounted.
Aphidius sp. 2:  not mounted.
Procto.  1♂︎
Cynipid  1:  not mounted.
Hemipteron:  Piecoderus lituratus:  the small green shield-bug!

Transcription Notes:
Piecoderus = Piezoderus?