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5th June 1942. 

A perfect day: very hot, all sunny, with gentle NW breeze, misty & many insects out.

Did not go out till after lunch, then walked through wood to cliffs just E of Derrylahan & spent afternoon there; 3 till 6 P.M.

Roadside above wood & coast W. of Old Head, Co. WM.

(Aculeatas by roadside, icks &c., on top of cliffs unless otherwise stated!).
Bombus lucorum & agrorum
B. hortorum  1♀︎ at Pedicularis sylvatica.
B. derhamellus  1♀︎ on cliff path at Lotus.
Andrena nigroaenea & jacobi  ♂︎♂︎.
A. saundersella  ♀︎ in quarry in field.
Halictus rubicundus  ♀︎♀︎.
Nomada hillana seen at roadside bank between gates.
N. marshamella  ♀︎♀︎ seen
Pompilus nigerrimus  ♂︎ on cliff path.
[Either small ♂︎ Pompilus gibbus (?) or Salius notatulus seen on roadside ditch between gates.]
[Vespa sylvestris ♀︎ taken in hotel before lunch!]
Odynerus pictus  ♂︎♂︎ everywhere along coast.


5.6.42, cont.  Cliffs, &c., W. of Old Head, WM., cont.

[44 insects mounted & these labelled 21.3.1944! AWS.]

Chrysis ignita everywhere on cliffs.
Anteon  ♂︎.
Dolerus aeneus  ♂︎♂︎ & ♀︎♀︎.
Tenthredopsis nassata  ♂︎♂︎ & ♀︎♀︎.
Rhogogaster viridis  ♂︎♂︎ & ♀︎♀︎ on Salix on top of cliffs.
Black sp.
Tomostethus abdominalis  ♀︎♀︎.
Euura  2♀︎♀︎.
Nematine ♀︎ swept off (?) Salix repens & ♂︎ taken on Salix aurita = Amauronematus vittatus? ♀︎ and Pteronidea hypoxantha? ♂︎
Pachynematus vagus √  ♀︎ swept
Sp. pale thorax ♀︎ taken flying on top of cliffs = Pachynematus diaphanus? ♀︎.
Cryptinae  8.
Pimpla instigator  1♂︎ on roadside
P. detrita group ♂︎ on cliffs, at Salix, both tibia bent & femora [[?"gebucktel"]]
Glypta trochanterata?  small, ♂︎♂︎ at Salix on cliffs.