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Wasps' nest in front garden, 14 Clareville Rd., Dublin.

Towards end of July, 1942, odd wasps were seen entering hole beneath plant of Dryas in front garden & by 1st week of August, it was plain that a colony had been founded in the same hole as that occupied by one in 1940.  The species is V. vulgaris.

Bad weather towards end of August finished off the colony, which never reached a flourishing stage & after one whole wet day no sign of life was ever seen to issue from it.

Taken by E. O'Mahony, August 1942, in Co. Dublin.
Metacoelus mansuctor  ♀︎.  Said to have been taken "near Red Rock, Howth", but I suspect really taken in O'Mahony's house!  1.8.42.
Blacus ruficornis, a small dark ♀︎, in moss, St. Anne's, Clontarf 2.8.42.
Macrocentrus collaris?  ♂︎.  Portobello Barracks, Dublin.  2.8.42.

9th August 1942.  Taken in garden, 14 Clareville Rd., Harold's Cross, DU.
Leptocryptus  ♂︎ & ♀︎, red. abd., ant. 22.


9th Aug. 1942.

After a wet morning & showers at 1 o'clock, a gorgeous afternoon, very warm, with much hot sun, but strong SW. breeze.

In garden saw many Crabro varius & two C. leucostomus, which I think must belong to a second emergence, frequently noted in latter but very unusual in former species, so far as my experience has gone.  Many icks in garden also about 12 noon:-  
Homocidus pulcher & pictus ♂︎♂︎, 
Leptocryptus ♂︎♂︎ & ♀︎,
Hemitles  ♀︎
Dacnusa pubescens ♀︎ on lettuce.

At six p.m. saw the following on flowers of lavender:-
Bombus jonellus  1♂︎ (repeatedly seen here for the last week!);  lapidarius ☿☿;  lucorum? one large ♂︎ with black face, yet not coloured as in terrestris;  muscorum ☿☿;  agrorum ☿.

After lunch rode through Clondalkin to Ballymakaily Mill & back along Grand Canal to Clondalkin;  stopped to collect at 3 places, as follows:  on south side of canal a few hundred yards below bridge at the mill (= 1);  along edge of wheat field at same place (= 2);  near gate of farm 1 1/2 miles 

Transcription Notes:
Unable to verify "mansuctor"