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10.12.1944, Cont.

We saw one solitary ☿ Vespa vulgari on the ivy blossom near the stable entrance - one wasp & one only.

12th December 1944. A fine, sunny, clear day after a frosty night. We rode in afternoon to Byrne's near Esker, Lucan, to get some eggs & just beyond the railway bridge at Clondalkin a wasp, which seemed very large, flew across the road in front of me in full sunlight. I thought it was a queen but may have been mistaken.

15th December 1944. My 61st birthday. Our Snowdrop now with flower drooping & so considered "out"!

17th December 1944. A comparatively fine day after a deep depression & a wild & stormy night with heavy rain, though in Straits of Dover according to B.B.C. the day opened with a hundred-mile-an-hour gale. In afternoon took bus to Ballyboden & walked up to Rockbrook & Larchhill & then a mile up the old lane

17.12.1944, cont.

leading on to Tibradden. Many plants in flower in the sheltered ditches of this lane, including Strawberry & Barren Strawberry, Ragwort, Geum urbanum & of course Herb Robert, but saw nothing of interest.

Xmas 1944.
23rd-27th Dec.

Mild & mainly dry, dull on 23rd-24th, blue sky & sun on 25th-26th, with showers in evening of former, the latter a delightful day, but glass falling & rain in morning of 27th on arrival of depression.

On afternoon of 24th rode via Templeogue & Firhouse to gate of Orlagh College & home via Old Bawn, Firhouse, across R. Dodder to Balrothery, & thence by Willington house. On ivy-blossom (of which there is an unusual late supply this year!) at Firhouse saw dozens of Honey Bees & one worker wasp (Vespa vulgaris).

On afternoon of 25th rode to Phoenix Park 

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