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10th-29th January 1945. 
A very cold spell - the coldest for many years!  After some frost snow fell & followed by very severe frost so that it lay even in the heart of Dublin & became flattened & icy with bus traffic but did not melt.  Canal & all ponds frozen over & no barges came down canals for nearly a fortnight. 
 A sudden fall in glass on 29th ushered in a quick thaw & rain cleaned away the snow by nightfall.

30th Jan. 
1945 After a gale & rain at night a beautiful sunny day like summer by comparison with previous arctic week.
1st to 7th Feb 1945. 
Almost warm with much hot sun, but several depressions with rain & storm in between - spring like weather, so that Crocuses appeared as if by magic, though ours not out till 6th when three flowered & nearly a dozen in front garden on 7th, but seen in other gardens round about & in Butterfield lane on 4th & 5th.  One twig of Salix cinerea in back garden with (♀︎) catkins


almost in flower before frost in January had stigma showing on 6th Feb., though rest of tree only at the pussy stage.  Daphne laureola by hall door had some flowers open about 15th January, but did not really come into flower till about 31st.
8th to 18th Feb 1945. 
Continued very mild with odd days of cold & damp & one or two nights very slight frost.  Some days too warm & some with really hot sun.  By 17th Sax. opp. in front garden (Snowdon plants!) showing purple buds;  one white crocus out amongst yellows by path to gate;  Chionodoxa well up;  Blue Scilla with one flower;  Anemone appenina leaf up;  Sax. apiculata almost in flower;  Daffodil in back garden with bud well up & nearly ready to open;  but garden very wet still, though everything showing signs of spring.  On 14th had walk through Marley, but Violets not yet in flower & things backward there, though plenty of L. Celandine out.
On 18th (Sunday) rode in afternoon via The Greenhills, Whitehall Ho., & Fortunestown to near Jobstown & back via Tallaght & Willington House.  A lovely day with soft SW wind & very hot sun.  Coltsfoot out at Whitehall Ho. & by The Poddle, S. of Willington Ho., also much Lesser Celandine everywhere, including Willington Ho., but no other flowers seen.  Some buds still on 

[[marginalia]] ♀︎ catkins on alder in garden out about 10th Feb. [[/marginalia]] 

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed @kdownunder