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18th Feb 1945, cont.

Ivy at Whitehall House & unopened; but whether they will even open now after the frost seems doubtful. 
In back garden of 14 Clareville Rd., Harold's Cross DU., a few flowers on small form of Snowden Sax. oppositifolia on west side of garden & four clusters of flowers out on Flowering Currant bush; also more catkins out on ♀︎ Salix cinerea & these discovered & attended by numerous Honey Bees at 4 P.M.  

Sax. apiculata (in west border) in front garden & Benevenagh plant of Sax. oppositifolia with one & two flowers open respectively, while the large Snowdon form of S. opp. with several flowers ready to open.

20th Feb 1945. 
Cooler than 19th, which was an almost perfect summer's day in Dublin, after rain at night.  Daisy reported first flowers out on almond tree in Kenilworth Square & I saw flowers on Forsythia in Earlsport Terrace.  Flowers just out on large Snowdon Sax. opp. in front garden & on my own plant near rubbish heap in back garden, beside which the Snowdon Thalictrum montanum just pushing up through ground.  Flowers open on the white Daphne blaggiana which Art O'Murnaghan brought me last year from Stepaside.


20.2.45, cont.

A second white & two purple Crocus flowers out by path to gate in front garden; the first white one having flowered about 5 or 6 days earlier, but was eaten at base by slugs the following night.

21st Feb 1945. 

A fine windy (SW) day, but wind cool & sun very hot; no clouds for most of day, falling glass.  In afternoon rode, with Ivan M. Goodbody, round same route as on 18th.  Saw nothing new. 
After lunch, & before starting out for ride, when in back garden Goodbody spotted a ♀︎ Bombus terrestris sunning herself on motor-house window-frame; she was still there 20 minutes later, but gone when we returned at 4:45.  White Violets out in both front and back garden. 

22nd Feb 1945. 
Bumble bee seen flying strongly across back garden by Daisy & probably the same B. terrestris as on 21st.

23rd Feb 1945. 
At 5:30 P.M. twice heard the hum of a Bombus (& from deep note think it was a ♀︎ B. terrestris) while digging, but each time failed to locate where sound came from. 

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed @kdownunder