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22. March 1945. 
A lovely day, but with strong rather cool SE-E wind:  entirely sunny & sun very hot.  
Went by 2.40 bus to Lucan & returned from Clondalkin by 5.5 bus.  Walked from Lucan via Esker to Clondalkin.  Saw several Bombus lucorum ♀︎♀︎, terrestris ♀︎ & B. lapidarius ♀︎, Andrena albicans ♂︎♂︎, nigroaenea ♂︎♂︎ & A. gwynana 1♂︎ on Taraxacum.  Blackthorn in full flower & some plants with much larger flowers & pinker.  Another Daisy thought distinct (=? P. insititia!) 

23rd March an even more perfect day with hotter sun, though steadily falling glass. 

26th March. 
Fine in forenoon, dull in afternoon with some skiffs of rain & still falling glass.  Between 7 & 8 P.M. when cool & dull saw one ♀︎ each of Bombus agrorum & B. terrestris in back garden, the first on Flowering Currant & the latter on Salix aurita (?) against motor house window. 

Garden notes. 
First anthers showing on Carex stricta on 21.3.45.  First Vespa ♀︎ seen on 22-3-45 (? germanica).  Goldilocks first flower opened (after rain) on 26th.


25th March 1945.
Inclined to rain in forenoon, fine in afternoon, wind SW & strong.
Rode to The Green Hills & home via Tyman Castle & Templeogue in afternoon.
Lamium galeobdolon, Viola hirta & many other flowers seen out, including one plant of Goldilocks.
Peacock & Small Tortoisesheel Butterflies.

28th March 1945.
After some rain & a depression, a fine afternoon with very strong SW wind.
Rode via Clondalkin to Esker & back to get eggs.  Hedges all green & except for the leafless trees the countryside looks more like May than March.  Lilac & apple & black currants in flower & in my garden everything jumping forward.  Silene acaulis with flowers ready to open, Mossy Saxifrages (native species) & even Sax. umbrosa showing flower spikes.
During afternoon saw on roadside at Esker Bombus terrestris & B. lucorum, as well as Andrena albicans ♂︎ & Andrena nigroaenea ♂︎♂︎ & 1♀︎.

29th March 1945.
Small White Butterfly in back garden at 2.30 P.M.  Later saw Bombus lapidarius ♀︎ & B. lucorum ♀︎ at black currant flowers, when I was putting in our potato crop!!!  Small White Butterfly at 2.30 P.M.

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