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28th May 1945. 

[[marginalia]] Posted specimen of Saxifrages from L. Diheen to D.A. Webb. [[/marginalia]]

A fine day, with showers & thunder storms about in afternoon, but none in Galtymore where we were.

Left hotel at 11 AM. & rode across valley;  walked up Glancushnabinnia, across head of
same to outlet stream from L. Diheen;  here saw & gathered some Sax. hypnoides;  then up to top of moraine, where had lunch, & later explored cliffs &c. south of lake from lake level to highest cliffs at S.W. corner of the corrie.  In several places on way up saw the large green semi-glabrous form of Saxifraga - probably the hirta v. genuina of Hart's list;  at other places saw & gathered a more hairy form nearer Harts' Sax. hirta v. affinis.  At about 2,400 ft. Daisy (M.D.S.) found two nice clumps of Rubus saxatilis & finally at western end of the topmost range of cliffs she found Hart's "four or five plants" of Saussurea alpina for which we have four times before (1943-1944) searched this cliff but passed it by a few feet;  later went along (eastward) top cliff to see Salix herbacea at 


foot of big gulley & up this on to main ridge.  Took two of the big Helix nemoralis on cliffs at about 2,200 ft.
Saw a Painted Lady Butterfly on the moor at ca. 600 ft at 11:30 AM.
After leaving L. Diheen, walked over Galtymore - 1 beetle & 1 Thersilochid swept on summit! - round head of corrie above L. Curra, past the cliff with Arabis petraea on it, down to lake & so home at 8:30 P.M.

The plants of Saussurea alpina had one flower-spike with flower almost out.

Swept a few insects on moraine around N.E. corner of L. Diheen (& 2 on summit of Galtymore) where the following taken, but a shower made further sweeping impossible:-

[17 insects mounted - mostly beetles - & these labelled on 5.2.1948!]

Cratichneumon cf. fabricator var.? ant. 35, ♂︎.
Phaeogenes fulvitarsis  ♀︎, ant. 23.
Atractodes sp.  ant. 19.
Cryptopimpla anomala, a nice ♀︎, ant. 36.
Stenomacrus intermedius  ♀︎, ant. 29.
St. sp. P  2 pallid ♂︎♂︎, ant. 22 & 24. - ? freshly eclosed!
Bracon obscurator?  ♀︎ var. black tibiae, ant. 23, rather large with black wings & like a small variator in 1 some ways.
Aspilota nigrescens  ♂︎, ant. 20.
Beetles 6 = Centhorhynchus assimilis, Micrambe vini, Aphodius punctato-sulcatus, Choleva sp.? & 2 spp. of Cercyon spp.?  All fide E.O'M.♀︎
15 from 1700-2000 ft. near L. Diheen.

3000 ft. summit of Galtymore
Thersilochid ♀︎, ant. 16, rather damaged = 
Beetle = Listera sicula  fide E. O'M.