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2.6.45, cont.  Ponds, Ballinacourty , ST., cont.

Chaenusa conjungens  ♂︎, ant. 24.
Choribidea femoralis miki:  3♀︎♀︎, ant. all 16-seg.
Ephedrus delectus m.  ♀︎, ant. 11;  very minute.
Aphidius spp. 3:  1 minute ♂︎ only mtd., ant. 16. sp.? = Monoctonus caricis ♂︎, I think!  A.W.S. 9.2.1948.
Praon abjectum?  1 minute ♀︎, yet with 16-seg. antennae!
Proctos.  2 & both mtd. & same species = 

3rd June 1945.  

Mainly fine - the best day of holiday so far - Sunday - & very hot sun in forenoon, but cooler, duller, with showers in late afternoon.  Mrs. Lilian Porter, of Lehenvah House, Cork, had joined us on Sat. (2nd) to investigate the lichen of Galtymore, so all set off for Lough Curra about 10.30;  had lunch on cliffs S. of lake at 2,300 ft. & then went up the big gully SE of lake (with great overhanging rock at east side of it) on to main ridge & so to summit.


3.6.45, cont.  Galtymore, ST-LK., cont.

Had afternoon tea on east side of summit in shelter & after a cold shower came back round top of cliffs south & west of L. Curra, past the Arabis cliff & down to outlet & so home.

Saw many nice forms of Saxifraga hirta group on cliffs S. of L. Curra to the  very top & in one place on upper cliffs one patch very much resembling Hart's S. hypnoides v. platypetala which I am taking home to grow, as well as several of the hirta group.

Saw no new plants on these cliffs.

[9 insects mounted & these labelled 10.2.1948!]

Tried sweeping on summit, but nothing to sweep & only two hymenoptera swept - one a Chalcid & one a ♀︎ Atractodes sp. ant. 19.
Chalcid  1
6 Coleoptera.  Pterosticus nigrita, Aphodius lapponum, Lema septentrionis, Lathrobium sp.? & 2 other Staphs.  All fide E. O'Mahony.

While we were exploring Galtymore, Meikle crossed ridge S. of L. Curra & went down S. slope for a couple of miles to remnant of an oak wood, where he found Hymenophyllum tunbrigense & on way up Rubus saxatilis in stream bed, but nothing else of interest.