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4th June 1945. 

Mainly fine, but an obvious depression appeared to set in late afternoon & a drift started about 8 PM., which turned to a gale with heavy rain during the night.

Did nothing in morning, but at 1:15 Meikle & I set off with lunch for Lyracappul, &c. 

Crossed valley on bikes & went up to the Meconopsis valley above Ballygeana on ST-LK boundary.  Had lunch by stream where Meconopsis in flower & saw both S. hirta & S. hypnoides forms as usual;  then up along the western tributary to its source & to cliffs up dry upper gully a little east of Corrignabinnia.  From this worked round the bluffs of Corrignabinnia & S.W. along scarp to Lyracappul.  Had tea in gully near last at 6 P.M. & then worked round apex of ridge, up on to Lyracappul summit & back along ridge to Corrig.;  next round Tipperary side of boundary, where saw much Sax. stellaris but no other species, some Campanula rotundifolia, Lycopodium Selago, Solidago, but not other plants of interest. 

On the Corrig-Lyracappul cliffs did not see Asplenium viride on Corrignabinnia (where seen in May 1944) but on the other hand, saw a fine


4.6.45, cont.  Corrignabinnia - Lyracappul, Co. LK., cont.
patch of Vaccinum Vitis-idaea about half-way between Corrig. & Lyracappul;  also a few bits of same plant on west side of extreme apex of ridge below Lyracappul.

On summit of ridge on slope S. of Corrignabinnia at ca. 2500 feet we crossed a large wet patch of ground, Scirpus caespitosus +/- dominant, found a lot of Narthecium ossifragum, which seems a remarkable height for this plant.

Took specimens of many forms of Sax. hirta group to press & grow, one on S. face of Corrignabinnia very like S. rosacea! = LK.2 in garden. 

5th June 1945. 

A wet morning after a wild, wet night, but much warmer.  Afternoon +/- fine but glass again dropping & wet & stormy after 6 P.M.

Between 3 & 5 P.M. went up Tipperary road & swept a little along same & in field in front of ruins of Castlereagh Lodge = 1
Also swept ponds behind same = 2