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6.6.45, cont.  L. Muskry, ST. cont.

of the Heiracium which is common here (recorded by Hart as H. anglicum!) & one of the H. boreale type;  the latter from one of the most northern gullies at base of western, lowermost, cliffs;  sent by me in Sept. 1943 in several places.

On way back to road saw a Painted Lady Butterfly at about 1000 ft. just above the plantation (& within 1/4 mile of where one seen on 1st June flying strongly through a hail-shower on that day!)

Beetle:  Geotrupes sylvatica the only insect collected!  fide E.O'M.

7th June 1945.

After a wild night of storms & rain, a comparatively fine day, with some showers.  Desmond Meikle left at noon to return to Dublin.  Except for a walk in wood in afternoon did not go out at all & did not collect.

Set some insects taken during previous week!


8th June 1945.

After a wild wet night, a very showery forenoon with rapidly rising glass & a fine afternoon & evening, when wind dropped completely.

Did not go out till after lunch.  Then walked up to Mr. Saunders's house in the woods, Mr. & Mrs. Sheppard having left the previous week, & went up to top of glen beside house & out on to the moor & on up to top of ridge (Slieve-na-muck ridge!) making notes on the plant associations on the way;  then along the ridge westwards beside wall dividing S & N. slopes, near which Daisy found one patch (female!) of Antennaria dioica - a plant thought by H.C. Hart, & by us, to be absent from this area & the Galtees.  On way back passed place where the Wood Ant, Formica rufa discovered on 28th May, 1944, & saw many workers crossing the boundary ditch at top of the oak wood, but failed to find the nest, the site being now greatly overgrown.

After tea, ca. 8.30 P.M. tried a little sweeping around the ponds behind Castlereagh Lo. ruins & took a few insects - as follows - but singularly little out in spite of calm weather.

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3 insects taken in the woods, Ballinacourty, during afternoon of 8.6.45 were as follows
the moth pinaria ♂︎, Tryphon signator very dark ♂︎, ant. 34 & a steely-blue Apion-like beetle (= Rhyncitis nonus) fide E.O'M.
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