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8.6.45 cont.  Pond in woods behind Castlereagh Lo., Ballinacourty, Co. ST. 

[1 already labelled 1945!  5 insects mounted & these labelled on 11.2.1948!]

The usual red Meloboris & ♂︎ Cryptinids taken but not kept.
Bracon fulvipes  ♂︎, ant. 38.
Apanteles infimus?  1♂︎
Dacnusa trichopyga  ♂︎, dark wings, ant. 30.
Choribidea femoralis  ♀︎, ant. 16.
Chaenusa sp. n.  ♀︎, elongate, compressed, abdomen;  long slender 26-seg. ant. = Chaenusa elongate sp. n., miki, 17.6.1945.
Sawfly:  Dolerus ferrugatus  ♂︎

9th June 1945.

Although glass up 5 points & steady a very poor day, with jam & showers in morning & a drizzle off & on in hills all afternoon & gale & heavy rain at L. Diheen between 5 & 6 P.M.

Left hotel at 12 noon & walked from Gorman's up Glancushnabinnia across outlet of L. Diheen to stream E. of same, which rises in cleft between moraine surrounding L. Diheen & Galtybeg;  then up this & over E. end of moraine to lake, worked round N & W. sides of lake, slope S. of lake, lower cliffs SW, of Carex paniculata & up to base of main cliff at about 2000 ft., but as weather got worse we left corrie at 6.0 P.M. & walked home via outlet stream & Glancushnabinnia.


9.6.45, cont.  L. Diheen area, cont.

Had lunch by outlet stream from lake ca. 1400 & afternoon tea under shelter of rock SW. of L. Diheen ca. 2000 ft.

During the day collected various Mossy Saxifrages including true hypnoides by stream at lunch place & along several of its tributaries above same, but saw no S. hirta till reached L. Diheen;  here saw forms of both species growing amongst vegetation on slope at SW. corner of lake where Carex paniculata grows & traced S. hypnoides up to top of lowest rock-cliff above this place, but not higher - where big patch of Cochlearia is.  Several interesting hirta forms seen higher up before we had to give in to the weather, of which "D.5" & "D.7" the most interesting.  "D.5" is a lanky hirta like form, but with growth like hypnoides & hairless flower stems - very like hynoides X hirta if such a form occurs! - & was growing on lower cliff above where both species occurred abundantly.  "D.7" is a very fine robust almost rosacea-like form with very dense rosettes at base of flower stems & all stem-leaves 5-fid, although growing amongst a dense vegetation of grasses, Vaccinium, Crepis paoludosa, Ranunculus acris, &c.