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9.6.45, cont.    Glancushnabinnia & L. Dihean district, cont.

The following notes on plants made during the day

Drosera rotundifolia by stream = irrigation channel along NW side of field at top of lane behind Gorman's, before coming out on moor at gate, alt. ca. 600 ft.; here also Anagallis tenella, Veronica scutellata, Myosotis repens & Pedicularis palustris.

Hydrocotyle palustris common in natural marshy spot at S.W. corner of same field, with Peplis portula & similar flora to last.

Montia fontana very abundant in marshy spring on E. side of outlet from L. Curra & S. of cart track across Glancushnabinnia, at ca. 900 to 1000 ft., with Drosera rotundifolia, &c., but no sign of Hart's Pinguicula lusitanica seen [but see p.126 ->]

Viola palustris very abundant & Narthicium less so in bottom of little marshy runnels through moor at ca. 1200, W. of outlet of L. Diheen & E. of the "red caňon" & noted that both plants not once seen in same runnel, though conditions seemed similar in all.

Had lunch where outlet stream (& tributaries) from L. Diheen flowed through a mature channel about 12 feet deep


9.6.45, cont.  L. Diheen district, cont.

at ca. 1400 ft., where made the following notes on the flora:-

By edge of stream (1 to 2 feet wide) Scapania spp., Phil. fontinalis & other liverworts & mosses common, Stellaris ulignosa, Ranunculus Ficaria, Golden Sax., Sax. stellaris, Sax. hypnoides, Lys. nemorum, Carex [[strikethrough]] oedocarpa [[/strikethrough]] tumidicarpe, C. Goodenowii, C. pulicaris, Anthoxanthum all frequent, with Luzula campestris, Cerastium triviale, Cardamine pratensis, Euphrasia sp., Plantago lanceolata, Rumex acetosa, Cnicus palustris & Luzula sylvatica - passing gradually into a heavily grazed green belt or grassy sward with clumps of Juncus squarroms, J. conglomeratus, Nardus and Calluna, with Pot. erecta, Galium saxatilis, Blechnum, Oxalis, Polytrichum commune (?) - leading to the Callunctum which occupies the very steep drier slopes to the moor on both banks - nearly perpendicular in some places! - the vegetation here is Calluna (dom.) with Festuca ovina, Juncus squarroms, Luz. sylvatica, Polygala serp., Pot. erecta, Erica cinerea, Blechnum, Carex binervis & Ped. sylvaticus;  also very rarely some small plants of Vacc. Myrtillus. The ant Myrmica ruginodis common at this place!