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11.6.45, cont.  Below L. Curra, ST., cont.

Montia Fontanta, Mentha aquatica (? highest record for this), Potamogeton polygonifolius, Myosotis repens, Triglochin palustre, Equisetum [[strikethrough]] arvense [[/strikethrough]] sylvaticum (very rare & very dwarf!) & common plants, such as Carex Goodenowii, C. oedocarpa, &c. &c.

11.6.45 cont.
Small procto. taken on dish wit many Saxifrages &c. in bedroom of hotel! = 

11.6.45 AM.

Insects taken about pond behind Castlereagh Lo. ruins, Ballinacourty, Co. ST.  12.30-1.0 P.M.

Ichneumon sp.?  ♀︎, small red. sp., ant. 30.
Hemiteles sp.  ♂︎, ant. 19.
H. melanarius?  ♀︎, clouded wings, broad abd., rugulose-aciculate, ant. 27.
[Polysphincta multicolor  ♀︎ ant. on Rhododendrons by avenue.]
Glypta trochanterata?  ♀︎, near Ulex europaeus!  Ant. 32.
G. ceratites  ♀︎, by pond, ant. 36.
Apanteles infimus?  ♂︎
Euphorus orchesiae  1, ant. 22.
Dacnusa esbelta  ♂︎, ant. 32.
Dacnusa esbelta  ♂︎, ant. 33.
Beetle = Telmatophilus caricis fide E. O'Mahony.


12th June 1945.

A fine day, but with very strong & chilly NW wind & rising glass.

Tried sweeping pond in woods behind Castlereagh Lo., but as usual wind made this almost useless.

In afternoon walked to Clady Bridge & up Clady River to Mr. Saunders's former shooting lodge (+/- wrecked!) in Glancushnabinnia.  Tried sweeping in conifer plantations along river below lodge, but cold draught of river made this almost useless.  In a swampy place by river (an old channel!) came on a grove of Cornus sanguinea but no doubt this planted (though I can't think why!) as we have not seen it in the district before:  if planted then it was quite out of sight of the avenue & far below the planted area around the lodge, though within the conifer belt along river.  It appeared to me very old, i.e. the bushes of Cornus!  The conifer plantations & lodge date from 1913 or thereabouts.

On way up river noted that the chief