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13th June 1945, Galtee, ST & LK.

A fine day, but mainly cold, dull, & threatening, with mist driving across the hills (above 2500 ft.) from W. all day.

Left hotel at 11.10 & rode across valley;  then walked up Glancushnabinnia & up moraine to L. Diheen, where had lunch in shelter on outer moraine.  After lunch spent three hours on cliffs S. & SW. of lake & then up through mist to Galtymore where had tea on sheltered S. side of large crag just S. of summit.  After tea walked round head of L. Curra corrie & across the Arabis cliff, down to lake & home at 8.30 P.M.

On way up Glancushnabinnia at about 900 ft. came on a marshy spot just E. of outlet stream from L. Curra containing a lot of Carex dioica so stopped to investigate, as I felt we had not crossed this particular spot before & soon spotted Pinguicula lusitanica in what is or must be very near Hart's station, though I feel sure this was 


13.6.45, cont.  L. Diheen, Galtymore, &c. St.

higher than 850 ft., the height given by him for this plant:-  S briefly jotted down list of plants from this spot included the following:-

Pinguicula lusitanica on bare edge of marshy spot, with Carex echinata, Goodenowii, [[strikethrough]] oedocarpa [[/strikethrough]] tumidicarpa, hostiana (v. very rare), panicea & dioica, Juncus bulbosus, & clumps of J. conglomeratus, Hydrocotyle (frequent in patches), Narthecium (rare), Prunella, Drosera rotundifolia, Scabiosa succisa, Ran. Flammula, Pot. polygonifolius, Taraxacus, Triglochin palustre, Equisetum sylvaticum (very small, delicate, stems 2 1/2 inches high & very rare); several species of mosses & other plants.

Once more noted the abundance of Viola palustris on slopes below moraine N. of L. Diheen & probably up to about 1,600 ft.

First Sax. hypnoides & stellaris noted at about same height on streams draining lake through moraine.

After lunch traced S. hypnoides from lake shore (S. of lake where Carex paniculata grows) to at least half way up to base of main