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5th August 1945. 

A rotten day after a beautiful week!  Glass down all 4th & falling, but morning fine, so set off at 9.30 on bikes for the hills against light S.W. breeze:  ran into jam with wind S. at Crooksling, but pushed on through slight drizzle & no more rain, though everything wet.  Reached Athdown on Upper Liffey, Co. WI., at 12.15.  Had lunch on S. bank of river, accompanied by midges, but not a breath of wind & rain over Mullaghcleevaun.  Draughts in valley now east now west now south & just after lunch a drizzle started - just as I tried sweeping.  Took shelter under hazle bush & later crossed to N. bank & hunted on oaks & hazels for icks, but could not sweep.  Drizzle off & on & then heavy rain with E. wind came down from hills, so left at 3.30 & rode out of rain & into sun as we approached Kilbride.  Stopped where road runs below remains of wood on. W-slope of Dowry at 4 P.M. & after "tea" tried sweeping under trees where possible above & between roads till 5.30.  Then rode home, where arrived at 7.0 P.M. against N. breeze, which died down as we approached Dublin.


5.8.45, cont.  Athdown, Co. WI.

A few insects taken with sucker or swept on right & left banks of R. Liffey below the "footstick".  1.0 P.M. till 3.0 P.M. 
[9 mounted & these labelled 11.12.48!]

Stilpnus gagates  ♂︎.
Exochus pictus  1 ant. 25.
Picrostigeus recticauda  ♀︎: not mtd.
Agrypon 1 = ♀︎, ant. 40.
Campoplegid  ♂︎: not mtd.
Colastes braconius  ♂︎: not mtd.
Apanteles falcatus  ♀︎: not mtd.
Blacus humilis group ♂︎ = B. filicornis? ♂︎, ant 19.
Aspilota 3 = A. planifrons group?  ♂︎, ant. 24
A. sp.? ♂︎, ant. 21, propodeum +/- rugose
A. (Synaldis) parvicornis  ♂︎, small, ant. 18.
Dacnusa areolaris & laevipectus 1 or 2 of each.
D. (Gyrocampa) affinis  2♂︎♂︎: not mtd.
D. (G.) uliginosa  ♂︎, ant. 24.
Proctos. 3: none mtd.
Chalcid 1: not mtd.
Diptera. 2. - boreale & bifasciatus