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25.8.45, cont.  Merrion Square, Dublin, cont.

Taken at 2, cont.

Chaenusa conjungens  ♀︎, darkish stigma, ant. 21.
Monoctonus caricis: not mtd.
Aphidius  9 (mostly small ♂︎♂︎): mounted 1♂︎, 1♀︎, tergite 1 yellow, = 
A. renominatus?  ♀︎, ant. 16;  or perhaps sonchi as anus pale!
A. sp.  ♂︎, yellow tergite 1, blackish legs, ant. 17.
Proctos.  3 } none mtd.
Ghaleifs? 4 }none mtd.
Cynipids  6 } none mtd.
Coleopteron:  1 large Staph given to E.O'M.♀︎

26th Aug. 1945.  

A very fine day, very warm, no wind (probably an easterly breeze along coast) but mainly dull.

Rode via Castle Baggot to Ballymakaily Bridge on Grand Canal & then W. up canal to Gollierstown as on 25.7.45.

Collected in four areas, as follows:-  


26.8.45, cont.  Grand Canal, Gollierstown, Co. DU., cont.

1 = Edge of 4th pond W. of Gollierstown Bridge & N. of canal = station 5 of 25.7.45.
2 = Edge of canal & margins of 1st pond (by tow path) & 2nd pond (over wall), W. of bridge & N. of canal.
3 = Edge of canal & largest (2nd) quarry hole W. of bridge & S. of canal.
4 = Edge of 3rd quarry hole W. of bridge - just W. of station 3 & S. of canal.

A few insects 5 taken around smaller quarry hole both E. of station 4 (?3) & farther from canal.

Gollierstown, Co. DU. cont.

Taken at 1.
[13 mounted from 1 & these labelled 3.1.1949!]

Cryptinids  3♂︎♂︎, including Pezomachus gonatopinus  ♂︎, ant. 23.
Zootrephus suspiciosus?  1♀︎ very red abd., ant. 20.
Stenomacrus curvicaudatus?  1 abnormally broad tergite 1, ant. 26:  ? freak!
Meloboris  ♂︎:  not mtd.
Thersilochid  ♂︎:  not mtd.
Ademon decrescens  2 small, black, ♀︎♀︎, ant. both 20.
Opius irregularis?  2♂︎♂︎:  not mtd.
O. caesus  ♀︎:  not mtd.