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17.10.45, cont.  W. of Slieve Thoule, DU., cont.

Taken at 3, cont.

Proctos. abundant : about 40 in sucker: only 5 mounted =
Chalcids:  18, all small.  [Sent to Mr. Doubleday! with those from 1 & 2]
Cynipids 17.

Storms, rain & very few days alternating, mild till end of October.

On 30th Oct 1945 several flowers on the earliest bush of Erica Mediterranea clearly open - usually not open till about end of January - & all bushes well in bud: all not quite recovered from the cold spell of last January.  Several seedlings came up during summer or autumn 1945 & now 2 to 3 inches high.


November 1945.

A very dry, mild & calm month in the most part.  Did not collect & was out very little beyond a few trips on cycles - on one of which we rode to Glenasmole.

Petasites fragrans out at Templeogue Bridge & several other places early in the month.

Saw wasps at ivy blossom on several occasions to end of month.

On 20th R.A. Phillips died after a short illness at 7 Magdala Terrace, Cork.  My last letter from him was dated 28/9/45, when he once more promised to send me some unpublished notes;  but these I never received.

4th-7th December 1945.

Left Dublin by 10 AM. train (with Daisy) for Cork on 4th.  Called on Mrs. R.A. Phillips, 7 Magdala Terrace, at 11 AM. on 5th & found R.A.P. had left everything in a mess, except some mounted plants & shells.

In afternoon took bus to Blackrock & walked past The Castle towards Douglas for a mile & then right back along river to Cork.  Saw many birds on shore & mud-flats: a fine, cold, sunny day.