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6th January, 1946. A fine day with considerable sun in afternoon. After lunch rode via the Greenhills to Tymon Castle & home by Balrothery & Willington House. Saw both male & female flowers on Hayll by stream near Tymon Castle, but Viola odorata not yet out. Many plants of last summer still (or again) in flower, including a flower on Hierachium Pilosella, which one does not expect to find in bloom in January.

7th Jan. 1946. A most-perfect-day, after a foggy morning. Entirely sunny & very mild -- would have made a very nice day in May. Three Snowdrops now out in front garden under drawing room windows. Hyacinth, Daffodil & Crocus all showing their green spikes & buds on Korokia in back garden visibly swelling. Shoots on Cares stricta well up, in spite of the cats using it as nesting place.


13th-27th January, 1946.

On 13th we rode to the Green Hills & home via Tymon Castle & Templeogue. Saw both ♂ & ♀ flowers on Hazel 1/4 mile NW. of castle where stream flows along roadside. - See note on spp. p. under 6th Jan!  On night of 17th cold, with falling glass & snow commenced at 3 P.M. on 18th & fell heavily on dry surface till dark, but soon thawed in the city, though lying about 2" thick in country around; a very sharp frost followed on night of 18th-19th but snow all gone except on higher hills by 21st. On 25th very heavy rain nearly all day, but 26th or 27th nearly all sunny, with keen frost on night of 26th-27th. Our first Crocus open on 27th & three out by  29th by path to front gate. Buds of Daphne laureola at hall door in flower & perhaps in flower for several days.

6th Feb. 1946  A fine spring day, with hot sun & mild W. wind, after many gales & much rain & heavy rain the previous night. In afternoon rode to The Narrow Walls, Rathfarnham, & saw Lesser Celandine in flower; then to Ballyboden where on roadside at the service reservoir saw 

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