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27th Feb. 1946.  A beautiful sunny day, after a hard frosty night. In afternoon rode to Killeen & walked up Grand Canal to Clondalkin & rode home. A very strong cold wind from W. made things unpleasant, but sun very hot in shelter. Nothing of interest seen.
28th Feb. 1946.  Another beautiful day, after another hard frost at night. Took 11.30 bus to Landsdown Rd. & Dalkey train to Dalkey terminus. Then walked to Sorrento & spent nearly 3 hours in hot sun between the railway & sea   S. of Sorrento. Collected a few Bristle-tails [[?]] for Dr. Carmel Humphries (Nat. Univ.); mollusca seen : --
Helix nemoralis, aspersa, [[?]] (caperata) very common; virgata, hispida; ants : -- Formica fusca running about on the bolder-clay cliffs along path; Lasius flavus 1 ☿ under stone above railway; but saw no sign of Walls's colony of Tetramorium caespitum (See sketch map) discovered here (somewhere along one of the paths) a couple years ago. Kept a look out for woodlice, especially the rare species found on S. cliffs of Howth Hd., but saw only Porcellio scaber & Philoscia muscorum. Among plants seen the alien Senecio cineraria very 


28.2.46, cont.  Killiney Bay, cliffs, &c., cont.

conspicuous & quite a lot of Inula crithmoides in usual places; noted a very round-based, fleshy, Polygala by path, on face of boulder-clay (=           ) which brought home to try & grow; saw Cochlearia danica in flower, a few daisies, several dandelion, gorse, & one wild carrot almost in flower, but no sign of much spring growth, exce[t the carrot & a few patches here & there; many Diptera on pile of rotting sea-weed in one spot but no hymenoptera seen. Came back to tram over Killiney Hill & got home at 5.20 almost sun-burnt!

1st to 3rd March 1946.  Hard frosty nights & fine sunny days

4th March 1946.  Awoke to find a little snow covering house tops & garden, but a thaw set in almost at once & by noon all had gone except in shade in garden. Late at night a drizzle started, after a dull cold day.

5th March.  Thick rain & drizzle all morning with strong cold SE & later NE wind; no rain in afternoon but lowering black clouds filled with English smoke cut off most of the light.

6th March.  A fine cold day with E. wind & very hot sun in afternoon. In afternoon walked from W. end 

Transcription Notes:
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