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27.3.46, cont.  Killiney, Co. DU.

& partly below same - mainly helping Miss Thomson to collect mosses.  After lunch went down to sea & on way up on vertical side of path found large patches of a second species of Pottia covered with fruit.

Many bees flying up & down the bank, but nearly all were Andrena nigroaenea ♂︎♂︎, with 1 or 2 ♀︎♀︎;  saw also 1♀︎ Andrena gwynana (= bicolor), took 1♀︎ A. minutula & saw a ♀︎ of one of the smaller Halictus;  also 1♀︎ Bombus muscorum & ♀︎ B. lucorum.  Several Small Tortoiseshells seen during day & Daisy spotted a Small White Butterfly flying along the railway.

Just [[strikethrough]] inside [[/strikethrough]] below the wall of Vico Rd. took a dead shell of Hyalinia lucida, which like the rubbish there had been thrown, no doubt, out of the gardens opposite.

In afternoon, on way home, called to see J.N. Halbert who had been reported poorly & found him in bed suffering from aenemia - in a cold dark semi-underground room, when outside was warm air & gorgeous sunshine!

3 Ichs. bred by E. O'Mahony from a Slug's nest, obtained from Lambay Island, Co. DU., on 11.4.45, together with Microlepidoptera, but no evidence as to host.  3♂︎♂︎, Phygadeuonids emerged on 8 April, 11 April & 10th May 1946 = 


30th March 1946.

A fine day, with gentle easterly breeze, but mist & high haze prevented the sun being as hot as it should have been.

Went by 9 AM train to Bellurgan, NE. of Dundalk, Co. LH., with A. Farrington, to see site of kitchen-midden & raised-beach, where G.F. Mitchell & A.M. Gwynn & Derek Connolly had been digging for a few days.  The exposed section is interesting & somewhat as follows:-

storm beach
storm beach
storm beach
Raised beach
K. Midden

The shells in the K-midden mainly Oysters, Littorina littorea & Tapes decussatus, with Cardium eduli, Buccinum undatum, Pecten maximus, Pecten small species, Tapes pullastra?, Mytrillus (reported);  Nassa reticulata;  Trochus sp. (? cinerarius);  Anomia ephippium;  & one shell of Helix nemoralis (large) possibly more recent.