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30.3.46, cont.  Bellurgan, Co. Louth, cont.

Several small sandpits in moraine, where collected some bees, & ants;  & swift rushy marshes & looked in vain for sawflies:  very nice collecting grounds about here, with reed beds, Juncus effusus & willows, but just too early for hymenoptera.  

Took or saw the following:- 
[12 mounted & these labelled 21.2.49!]

Small Tortoiseshell & Peacock Butterflies:

Bomus [[Bombus]] lucorum several & B. jonellus  1♀︎ on Dandelion
Andrena gwynana (= bicolor) ♂︎. 
A. minutula  4♂︎♂︎, very fresh.
Myrmica laevinodis  Common.
M. ruginodis 1 nest. 
Vespa rufa ♀︎ seen at The Rectory; where in garden got a pretty little buffish-yellow violet, without scent.
Ichneumon suspiciosus?  ♀︎ in sandpit; ant. 36; var. dark legs.
Apanteles fulvipes group  2♀︎♀︎:
Dacnusa laevipectus  3♂︎♂︎, 1♀︎ all with very dark legs!:  2♂︎, 1♀︎ mtd., ant. 21(♂︎♂︎) & 22 (♀︎)
Monoctonus caricis  ♀︎, ant. 13 & ♂︎, ant. 15, small.
Aphidius spp. 2:  1♂︎ mtd., ant. 13, dark legs, very small. =

Procto.  1 mtd. =
Chalcids 1. not mtd.
Beetles for O'Mahoney.
The snail Helicella intersecta (= caperata) very abundant in & around sandpit.

Willow Wren heard in various spots at Bellurgan.
Returned by 3.42 train in Bellurgan & reached home at 7 pm.


25th - 31st March 1946 - 1st April. 

All days fine, foggy at night & in morning, but sun rest of day & clouds only on 28th. 

In garden the following notes made:-

1st flower in Anemone appenina opened on 29th, 3 out by 31st
Bombus jonellus ♀︎ seen in garden on 31st at Flowering Currant & later at Mediterranean Heath.

1st Ap. 
Bombus terrestris 1♀︎, B. lucorum 1♀︎, B. jonellus 1♀︎ seen at Flowering Currant during evening (7 P.M.) while planting potatoes — six rows planted in main plot in back garden.

Flower spikes on Carex stricta well up on 31st & also one on Carex rigida from Muilrea (for 1st time); & on C. montana.

Buds on several "mossies" showing, especially on Sax. sternbergii, in back garden, on 1st April.

Small White Butterfly seen in garden on 31st & another on 1st April.

2nd April 1946.
George, who is home on leave, reported seeing a Brimstone Butterfly in a garden in Castlewood Avenue, Rathmore, during the afternoon, when going to Ranelagh on a bus.