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3rd & 4th, April 1946.

The 3rd was a fine day but dull in afternoon with a slight shower about mid-day & a falling glass; the 4th was mainly wet & dull; both were very warm & hence great growth.

In first garden the first wild form of Mossy Saxifrages with two flowers on 4th.

In back garden White Currant at motor-house door in flower on 3rd; on 4th Korokia bush in full flower in evening, though I saw no flowers in morning; & the fronds of Osmunda were nearly six inches high at 7 P.M.
6th April 1946.
In back garden Carex stricta neat motor house in flower. In front garden Euphorbia hiberna shorts 4 to 6 inches hight & Sax. rosaceal?) just coming into flower in west border near drawing room window.
[At 5 P.M. on 5th April brought the old Talbot ear home from Fitzgeralds' in Rathgar Rd. when it had been getting tuned up, after its rest since 30th April 1942.


7th April 1946. The poorest day, caught one, for three weeks: dull & threatening in forenoon after a fine night; mainly sunny from 11 AM. till 2 P.M. then dull & windy all afternoon and evening, except to SE. of Dublin, where still sunny.

In afternoon drove in car (2.10 P.M.) to Sallin's & on to R. Liffey just below Millecent Bridge, where stopped for half an hour, & this home via Clane, Celbridge, Hazlehatch & Baldonnell, arriving 4.30 PM. Car going wonderfully well after its long rest. Did not collect & saw or heard no migrants. By Liffey under beech trees saw a plant which looked like Lychnis Diurna, but only just coming up & so not certain. Chilly & windy & so did not attempt to collect anything.

8th-9th April 1946. Dry, sunny, with cold N-NE wind. George returned to Hatfield by the mail boat on morning of 9th.

10th April 1946. A cold dry day, with very cold strong NE. wind. In afternoon rode to Glenasmole & met Mr. Murphy — Mr. Moores' successor. Heard a few Chiff Chaff, may Willow Warblers & saw the birds of Swallow tribe over Dodder at Old Bawn, but in distance only.

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