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10.7.46, cont.

Monoctonus nervosus  1 small ♀︎: not mtd.
Aphidius spp.?  8: not mtd. 
Proctos. 20: 4 only mtd. =
Chalcids 9: not mtd.  
Cynipids 3: not mtd. 

10.7.46. 3 P.M.
Humming-bird Hawk-moth in lane at FitzGerald's garage, Rathgar Rd. (M.D.S., also AWS.).

Sawfly: Pristiphora pallipes ♀︎, taken in motor house at 14 Clareville Rd. Harold's Cross, Dublin.


17th July 1946.  

A warm showery day, after a gale on 13th. & cold spell:  fine in afternoon & no rain at Gollierstown, where very hot sun for first hour & then dull & sultry:  many hymenoptera out, few clegs & no small flies to annoy one - why?

Gollierstown, Grand Canal, Co. DU.  4 till 6.30 P.M.

Collected by sweeping round old quarry holes W. of bridge & S. of canal:
1 = first quarry hole & edge of canal at SW. corner of bridge
2 = 2nd & 3rd quarry hole - the latter west of wire fence.

Insects taken at 1.
[21 specimens mounted from 1 & these labelled 20.3.1949!]

Anteon sp.  ♂︎:  not mtd.
Cryptiids  8:  1♂︎ mtd. looks near Microcryptus but has no trace whatever of outer n. to areolet [[image]]; ant. 23-seg. = 
Zootrephus suspiciosus?  ♂︎:  not mtd.
Meloboris spp. common, including Diadegma:  none mtd.