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28th May 1946 (Tuesday). 

Left Dublin by 10 AM. train, arrived Tralee 7 P.M, where met by car & drove to Cloghane at NE foot of Brandon Mt., where stayed.  After heavy rain on 27th, rain again early today, but cleared about 8 AM. & only showers during day;  strong, to gale, SE. wind with showers, dropping in evening, where rain came on at Cloghane about 10 P.M.

In Templemore station, Co. Tipperay, took a ♂︎ Aspilota (Synaldis) passicornis on carriage windows: not kept.

In marshy ponds N. of railway & 1 mile W. of Banteer, W. of Mallow, Co. Cork, saw our first Osmunda - a very fine show;  Euphorbia hibernica not seen for some miles further west & Osmunda very rarely until is crossed the divide into the Killarney basin & N. Kerry;  N. of railway & 1 mile NE. of Rathcoole, saw a curious elongate, dry, turlough - shown as a lake on 1/2 Ord. map, but today dry except possibly at extreme E. end, not visible from carriage.

29th May 1946. 

After gale (SE) & rain all night, gale continued with driving misty rain till mid day, sometimes heavier & sometimes clearing, with sun often visible, walked for a mile or so towards Brandon Village & back & watched birds very wetting!

Transcription Notes:
re Aspilota (Synaldis) passicornis - this is what he has written but there is no such species that I can find. I think it's meant to be "parvicornis" @kdownunder