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12-6-46, cont.  Cloghane, SK., cont.

Dacnusa laevipectus  1♂︎, 1♀︎, not mtd.
D. affinis  1:  not mtd.
Aphidius spp. 4 {1 mtd. = Monoctonus sp. ♂︎, ant. mutilated by Psocid!  Tergite 1 red, &c.  ? sp. n.}
Proctos 4 & all mtd.
1  Proctotrupes gravidator  ♀︎
Proctotrupes gravidator  ♀︎
Chalcids  2.
Cynipids  1.

In aternoon = (2) 12.6.46 went along shore N. of village for a mile but beyond collecting a few beetles, did not collect.  Saw the following insects here (= 12.6.46(2)).  
[3 Hym. & 4 beetles mtd. & these labelled 18.2.1949.]

Bombus lucorum, agrorum & derhamellus (1) ♀︎♀︎ the last a flowers of Anthyllus.
Halictus rubicundus & many burrows of a small species - probably nitidiusculus at another place.
Vespa vulgaris  ♀︎.
Odynerus trimarginatus (of my Irish List) ♂︎ & watched ♀︎ gathering clay on shore.
Pachynematus obductus?  ♀︎ taken with sucker on Bramble leaf.
Procto.  1 small ♀︎ amongst sea-weed = 
Campoplegid  ♂︎, ant. 30 = 
4 Beetles


13th June 1946.

A fine morning, turning misty about noon, then dull, then drizzle about 3 P.M. & rain later.  Went up Coumaknock, with Mr. & Mrs. Smith (of Dublin), parted from them at top of [[image]] zigzag path above highest tarn, & we went N., they S. to summit of Brandon.  We had lunch in shelter above coomb N. of Coumaknock & then walked on 

[[strikethrough]] to [[?Purasmore]], where on N.E. side a little below summit found Hart's station for Polygonum viviparum:  here this plant quite abundant growing amongst dense vegetation of grasses, sedges & mosses, with much sheep droppings, on flat ledge between the rocks, & looking very like dwarf Rumex acetosa - so much so that but for Hart's record we would not have looked at it twice.  By this time rain coming on, so cut down to Owenafeana valley & over ridge to Faha & so hom at 6.30 P.M. [[/strikethrough]]  A mistake!

See p.40 for record of Polygonum vivparum!