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Returned via semi-filled in tarn NE of L. Duff & thence down the Owenafeana & over the ridge to Faha & back to hotel at 8.30. PM.  On way down the Owenafeana Sibthorpia europea in several new spots.  After leaving Pierasmore ridge at 2.30 P.M. we went down the slope to Knocknabreestee & into billiant sun & warmth, returning through the cold mist on return journey.

18th June 1946. 

Another wild day with gale from SW. & W., cold, with wet mist on mountains over 2,000 ft & frequent showers, including hail. 

Got lift in car (Mr McDavid's & his friend Stopford) to Clogharee, S. of Cloghane, & walked up corry east of L. Avoonane, to ridge & then up along edge of cliffs to Brandon Peak.  Had lunch just below ridge & afternoon tea on lip of Coumaknock half way between Brandon Peak & Brandon Mt. 

From Brandon Peak we faced first down & 


then up at the summit of Brandon Mt.  Found first mossy Saxifrage at afternoon tea place, between two upright rocks 4 feet below actual top of cliffs, overlooking tarn next above L. Nalacken, & the second a beautiful little [[strikethrough]] Drucei [[/strikethrough]] cespitora-like form on dry rock on S. slope about 100 feet below the summit of Brandon, with two other plants on next crack below on same rock.  Left top of ridge at 5.10 P.M. & came down Coumaknock to hotel at 7.30 P.M. 

Saw a few interesting plants here & there on cliffs but these unworkable owing to wind & slippery rocks & wet slopes.

Took one beetle at ca. 2,500 ft. on Brandon Mt. =

Transcription Notes:
Had lunch just beore ride & afternoon tean on lif of Coumakncock half between Brandon Peak & Brandon Mt.