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31.5.47, cont.

Euphorus pallidistigma 1♂︎?, ant. 16.
Alloea contracta ♂︎, in marsh near lake; ant. 23.
Aspilota vernalis m.  small ♂︎, ant 25.
A. nigrescens? ♂︎, ant. 24.
Dacnusa areolaris? ♂︎, ant. 21;  and D. cf. maculipes?  1 minute ♀︎, with pale legs & 23-seg. antennae.  Both swept in roadside drain on return journey!
Proctos.  2:  1♀︎ long terebra = Cryptoserphus laricis Hal. and Phaenoserphus fuscipes Hal. ♂︎ (fide A.W.S. 11.3.1950.)
Chalcids 7.
Cynipid 1.

Coleoptera bout 2 dozen taken & nearly all at sap from freshly cut stumps, including Ips. IV-punctata?


Sunday 1st June 1947.

After another very wet night, thunder & downpour at breakfast time, so that we had to give up on idea of spending the day on Meall-an-Tarmarchan.  Instead started about 11 AM. when rain had cleared & walked up Glen Lochay to the Falls of Lochay - a fine sight after the recent rain!  Here collected some mosses from the rocks beside the falls for Miss Thomson & one from a tree stump nearby.  As it was now obvious that the day was improving had lunch 1 P.M. in scarp north of road - where woods recently cut down - & after lunch proceeded north up slope of Meall-dhuin-croisg, 2431 ft., & had tea on rocky crag N.E. of summit.  After tea 4 P.M. came down by stream between Meall-dhuin-croisg & Craig-na-caillich & so back to foot of Glen Lochay & home - this last part of day in blazing sun & great heat.  At Falls of Lockay saw some plants for first time in district, e.g. Carex sylvatica, Melampyrum sp. & Ivy (beside the Falls, on rocks).  On way up slope of Meall-dhuin-croisg, saw little of interest beyond the ordinary plants of the district;  excepting Sax. aizoides;  Plantago maritima in small quantity by burn at 1000 ft. (?), Orchis mascula (one plant in flower by stream);  one plant of Listera cordata;  a curious little form of Salix aurita? (specimen taken!);  until we reached a cliff below which was a great block-scree or rather talus, with blocks of up to 10 feet cube.  The height of this talus is uncertain, but I think it is under 2,000 ft.  Here many interesting plants, including Sax. nivalis, numerous patches, & many in flower;

[[marginalia]] eside the Falls of Lochay swept a Rogas parasitized dead caterpillar from which emerged later a ♂︎ Gelis sp. - a hyperparasite! [[/marginalia]]