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5.6.47, cont.  Lawers & the Lawers Burn, cont.

following:- Sax. aizoides & Alchemilla alpina;  Tofieldia palustris, Juncus triglumis just coming into flower;  Carex capillaris, C. dioica ♂︎ & ♀︎, C. Goodenowii;  C. flava group, too immature to name;  C. panicea & possibly C. hornschuchiana;  Eriophorum latifolium & angustifolium, Pinguicula vulgaris, Drosera rotundifolia, Equisetum palustre, Polygonum vivviparem.

In mid stream in shelter of rock saw a huge clump of Alysia digyna & on left bank a ♂︎ bush of Salix - the only Salix seen near this spot except some few S. aurita, with which was one large rose bush (R. canina group).  On return journey came across moraine & down burn W. of the Lawers Burn & so to hotel for lunch at 1 P.M.  On way  down wet slop at about 900 ft. came on a little prostrate Salix amongst the grass & gathered ♂︎ & ♀︎ specimens.  Finally by turn found one ♂︎ bush of a very pretty Salix & took specimens.  This last =  & the smaller species on wet slope = 


5.6.46, cont.  Lawers, Perthshire, cont.

Rain all afternoon, but about 9 P.M. it having cleared I went for a stroll towards west along road to Killin, & about a mile from the hotel turned off road (to North) over a bare rocky hill with much Antennaria, behind which I found a swampy place (site of a former tarn) with Menyanthus & Comarum palustre, Carex rostrata, Potamogeton polygonifolium, Pedicularis palustris, & on the knoll a plant of Gymnadenia albida & by the swamp Listera cordata.  On the roadside saw a few plants of Myosotis versicolor on the ditch.  Rain again all night & strong NW-N wind.

Four beetles taken during day:-  Geotrupes sylvaticus, Sericosomus brunneus, Telephorus paludosus & Donacia comari - all fide E. O'Mahony.

6th June, 1947.

After rain stopped & we decided to go up Ben Lawers took 2 sawflies, 1 Ick., = Dolerus gonager ♀︎, D. aeneus? ♀︎, Orthocentrus sp. ♂︎ ant. 25.  2 Proctos. & 1 Chalcid on roadside near Lawers Hotel.  Also weevil Otiohynchus sp.

Still raining & continued till about 10 A.M. when glass seeming to have turned up & rain stopped, we got lunch & set off for the SW corrie of Ben Lawers:  After walking along road westwards cut up over the rocky knoll referred to above & made straight up to eastern edge of the corrie where had lunch at 1 P.M.  Wind coming down corrie very strong & cold - fierce!  After lunch worked up eastern side of corrie over much nice ground & acres of alpines, gradually rising, till at 4 P.M. had afternoon tea on ledge +/- out of gale about 100 feet below & west of the summit.  Left summit at 4.15 & came