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6.6.47, cont.  Ben Lawers, cont.

Vaccinium myrtillus (very rare), V. Vitis-Idaea (not common), Armeria maritima (by no means common);  Oxyria digyna, Rumex acetosa (very abundant & very variable in leaf shape & size), Polygonum viviparum (very common all the way up from about 1700 ft.;  Salix reticulata one plant at about 3,000 ft. just coming into flower;  very abundant on face of cliffs at about 3700-3800 ft. just below & W. of summit;  Salix herbacea, Luzula spicata (common), Carex spp. ? C. saxatilis, almost absent above 2,000 ft.;  but one green, fleshy, species taken in rill on side of corrie just showing flowers;  of this same species seen on descent towards Meall-Odhar;  [C. atrata possibly seen on cliffs at about 3,500 ft.];  Grasses not yet recognisable, but some seen probably Poa alpina from stiff, broad, glaucous leaves;  Ferns very rare but Holly Fern, Cystopteris fragilis, Lastrea dilitata, Botrychum lunaria (protruding from cushion of Cherleria sedoides), Asplenium viride & ?? Pseudathyrium seen noow & then;  Selaginella selaginoides in several places to 3600 ft., Lycopodium clavatum much lower down.  Coming down the lower slopes, ca. 3000 ft. & before reaching the flat shelf behind (N. of) Meall-Odhar we came on one small patch of Loiseleuria (= Azalea) procumbens in flower, for which plant the Flora of Perth gives no record from Ben Lawers, and at slightly higher level, ca. 3000 much of a fine leaved rush, which I think will prove to be Juncus trifidus.  AWS. 16.6.47. Yes! A.W.S.


7th June 1947.

This opened (at 8 AM.) with a misty drizzle, after a fine night & thunder in distance earlier in the dawn.  As glass rising got lunch & started up burn east of hotel & made over ridge towards Lochan-nan-chait in light drizzle.  On way up burn saw Polygonum viviparum in flower for first time & much Lycopodium clavatum & a little L. alpinum but flora disappointing.  On flat peaty ground above the moraines great areas covered by Calluna, Vaccinium myrtillus (dominant), V. Vitus-Idaea, Empetrum & much Rubus chamaemorus in flower.  After lunch in lee of peat-hay made our way down to Lawers Burn about half a mile below the lochan & worked up right bank to & round S. side of the lake across its inlet & up screes to cliffs S. of [[strikethrough]] below [[/strikethrough]] An Stuic where saw many nice alpines, but nothing approaching the show in the S. corrie on 6th.  Plants seen here included Trollius (quite a lot on cliffs) ca. 3000 ft., Draba rupestris (?), with runners in several places & usually under overhanging rock;  Cerastium alpinum, Arenaria rubella? (spec.), Geranium sylvaticum, Cow Parsnip & Angelica;  Viola lutea on cliffs & just below same;  Sax. hypnoides, Sax. stellaris, Sax. nivalis, & Sax. aizoides & oppositifolia;  Epilobium (either alpinum or alsinifolium), Hieracium spp., Campanula rotundifolia, Polygonum viviparum, Oxyria digyna,