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7.6.47, cont.  North Corrie, Ben Lawers, cont.

Sedum rosea, Salix sp.? several bushes on cliffs in inaccessible places & one by outlet stream (on left bank) 1/4 mile below lochan.  [No Salix herbacea seen at all!].  Silene acaulis (one patch in flower), Cherleria sedoides (a little in flower);  Carex rigida, C. saxatilis (= pulla)?, in wet places & on wet ledges;  probably C. atrata but other sedges not recognisable;  Sedum coeruleum, Lycopodium alpinum, Selaginella, &c.

Snail Arianta arbustorum again seen at ca. 3000 ft.  Bombus lucorum ♀︎♀︎ at Vaccinium flower, Daddy Long Legs in thousands, Carabus catenulatus (1) seen, as well as one other Pterostichus-like species.

A cold drizzly day - very poor - & ground too water logged after recent rain to be pleasant walking, while the snow having only recently melted & much still remaining the vegetation for the most part very backward.


8th June 1947.

Rain all day.  Spent morning clearing up things, but in afternoon went up south slope of Ben Lawers to place where we found Azalea procumbens on 6th to show it to Mr. Horace Green of Birkenhead.  Very wet, very windy & very cold, with sleet & hail.  Refound the place, Alt. about 2700 ft. & Mr. Green found one small piece of Azalea in flower, but we failed to refind our plant - no doubt owing to the conditions which made hunting extremely difficult & to stay there very unpleasant.  Came back by different route but beyond seeing some Cloud Berry, Vacc. Vitis-Idaea, Thalictrum alpinum, Geum rivale, Luzula spicata (alt. 2600 ft. about) saw nothing of interest, till coming down the largest of the small burns which crosses road 300 yards east of the hotel, we came on several very old Crab Apple trees in flower (= Pyrus acerba!) & a small cherry tree (Prunus Avium).

9th June 1947.

Dolerus gonager - ? puncticollis AWS. 1961. ♂︎ & moth Euplexia lucipara taken near hotel at Lawers in morning.

9.6.47, cont.  P.T.O. ->