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9.6.47, cont.  Ben Lawers, cont.

Luzula spicata, Scirpus caespitosus, Carex rigida, C. saxatilis, but other species not recognisable, Anthoxanthum, Poa alpina?, Holly Fern, Lastrea dilatata, Cystopteris fragilis, Pseudathyma? Blechnum (lower down), Asplenium viride, Botrychium lunaria, Selaginella, Lycopodium Selago & alpinum.

On way up from bus collected some Salix by the Carrie Burn about 1/4 mile above road.  One species like a small acute-leaved Caprea (♀︎) & a small stunted green-leaved sp. (also ♀︎).

On way down from summit crossed the ground for Azalea procumbens & Mr. Green found a big area of it on bare ground on edge of spur.

Sketch from hotel direction looking N.W.
E. ridge of Ben Lawers
3000 ft.
1700 ft.
Remains of plantation
First shelf above hotel
Burn -> -< burn


10th June 1947.

A thick wet mist & rain all forenoon, clearing about 2 P.M. & much hot sun in afternoon, but misty rain once more from 6.30 onwards, wind west, light.

Did not go out before lunch, except for a stroll between 12.30 & 1 P.M., when went into foot of glen of Lawers Burn below the road, where remnant of Oak Wood & flora, much Hazel, Birch, Salix caprea, Ulmus montana, &c., mixed with Spruce & other planted trees.

In afternoon went up to springs on right bank of Lawers Burn at ca. 1200 ft. (above Spruce & Larch plantation), where Tofieldia palustris & Juncus triglumis, &c. found on 5th June, p.169.  Had afternoon tea by the burn, crossed it & went NE. across moor to scarp at 1600-1650 ft. on S. slope of Meall Gruaidh.  Here found a scanty flora including Helianthemum.

On mound where sheep lie at base of rock scarp & top of grass slope, Alchemilla alpina, Thalictrum alpinum, in wet grassy spots above scarp, Sax. oppositifolia, Erica cinerea, rare & very stunted, Mt. Ash, Rosa sp. & several Salix bushes, ♂︎ & ♀︎, of which some like