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21st June '47, cont.  Corrie Fee, cont.

gullies, about 1/4 mile west of that we went down, crossed spur & down Kilba corrie again to car at Glen Doll Lodge, at 6.30 P.M.  A heavy shower & change of wind (at 11 AM) to N-NE, brought a jam & heavy shower, which passed behind us as we went up Kilbo corrie, but with change of wind temperature dropped considerably & we had only fitful sun with slight drizzle nearly all day, though never really unpleasant & I never had my cape on.

Although we could not find Carex alpina we saw very much better ground than on the 16th  did see many most interesting plants, including the following:-

Thalictrum alpinum (many plants of which had curious fungus parasite on them, which had a smooth brown appearance with little openings all over it like "stomata" or those of a coral), Caltha: one plant with two flowers in ril above cliffs, at ca. 2600 ft.;  Cochlearia sp. common in rill down gully which we descended by - a small form, but not so small as the micacea of Ben Lawers - probably because of denser associated vegetation;  Trollius frequent to highest ledges on cliffs;  Arabis hirsuta;  Silene acaulis;  Sagina? sp.? brought home in roots of Carex binervis!;  Geranium sylvaticum;  Alchemilla alpina & vulgaris;  Geum rivale;


21.6.47, cont.  Corrie Fee, cont.

Epilobium alpinum & alsinifolium?;  Rubus saxatilis;  R. Chamaemorus, one small patch on summit between corries at ca. 2650 ft.;  Sedum rosea;  Saxifraga nivalis, frequent & some fine flowering plants in big fully we ascended on return journey, ca. 2200-2300 ft;  Sax. stellaris, Sax. aizoides, Sax. opp.;  Sax. hypnoides frequent & some plants very hairy;  [Cornus suecica by path - deer track - in Corrie Kilbo - as on 16th];  Galium boreale;  Gnaphalium supinum by paths on summit & by track down Kilbo corrie near top;  Saussurea alpina frequent;  Hieracium spp. very abundant, but none in flower;  Azalea procumbens on summit at ca. 2650, & frequent near top of deer-track in Kilbo corrie;  Vaccinium ulignosum frequent on cliffs, &c., & in flower in one place;  V. Vitis-Idaea & V. Myrtillus;  Trientalis on summit only, ca. 2600 ft.;  [Melampyrum pratense v. montanum, very sparingly by track in Kilbo corrie];  Oxyria digyna;  Polygonum viviparum;  Empetrum;  Salix reticulata & S. lanata? & I think a hybrid;  S. herbacea, S. Myrsinites?, S. Lapponum?? & various puzzling forms;  Betula on lower cliffs;  Juniperus communis several tiny bushes on cliffs - not happy looking;  Habenaria virides;  Veronica alpina one plant nearly in flower (M.D.S.);  Tofieldia palustris, on wet cliffs in various places;  Juncus trifidus common;