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23rd June 1947.

A poor day, after rain at night, with rain & drizzle from 10.30 A.M. till about 2.30 P.M.  Got lift in car to Glen Doll Lodge & walked to foot of Jock's Road, then crossed the White Water & spent some time without success searching for Linnaea borealis in its old station was the birch trees & talus at foot of Craig Maud & on right bank of White Water just below the gorge.  Then worked up to cliffs of Craig Maud & had lunch (1 P.M.) & later worked right up base of these (southwards) to where the great patch of Dryas is (see p.202) not far west of the Dounalt.  At base of these cliffs saw all the plants noted on 19th (p.202) & also one patch of Pyrola secunda on ledge with Carex atrata - the former with one spike of flowers & one of last year.  Just as we approached the Dryas patch & where a recent slip had taken place I found a plant of Astragalus alpinum & just above this & again 20 yards further SE. saw plenty of this plant, but none yet in flower.  Returned to foot of gorge of the White Water for tea at 4 P.M. but again failed to locate Linnaea borealis, crossed the Water & back to car at The Lodge at 6.30.  In crossing river I stooped to move a rock & my pet collecting bottle fell on the rock & broke after 27 years use!


24th June 1947.

A dull wet day with falling glass.  Rain or drizzle practically the entire day from 8.30 A.M. until bed-time.

Too wet to go anywhere or do anything, so took bus in afternoon to Kirriemuir, arranged for journey home to Dublin on Monday 30th;  had afternoon tea at The Airlie Arms, which seems a nice little hotel & came back to Clova by 5.30 bus from "Kirrie" as it is familiarly spoken of.  Posted home another box of plants & box of insects.

25th June 1947.

A beautiful day, with much hot sun & gentle, but fresh & cool, W-NW breeze, after a very wet night.  Rivers & burns all in spate & marshy spots flooded, yet most of the uplands easily traversed dry shod.

Got lift in car to Glen Doll Lodge, 10.30 A.M., & walked up the path (to Braemar) as far as summit of Jock's Road zigzag & then cut across to the gorge of the White Water just below where it falls over into top of