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26.6.47, cont.  Corrie Fee, Clova, cont.

Geranium sylvaticum, Oxytropis campestris, Lathyrus montanus (very large form on cliffs, with blunt leaflets; some seen 2 ft. high!);  Alchemilla 2 spp.
Rubus idaeus & saxatilis, Geum rivale, Rosa sp. (canina group), Prunus avium (a grove on scree below cliffs - some old trees, some young bushes);  Epilobium angustifolium , Sedum rosea, Saxifraga nivalis & S. aizoides & S. opositifolia, Galium boreale, Senecio jacobaea, Carduus palustris spp., arvensis & lanceolatus all pn slope below cliffs;  Hieracium spp.,  Gentiana campestris in bud!,?  Ajuga, Oxyria, Polygonum viviparum, Salix spp., Populus tremula, Corylus avellana, Betula ( all on cliff nears Oxytropis at ca. 1800 ft.?), Juniperus communis, Orchis mascula, no Juncus or Carex of special interest, but several interesting grasses taken, including a fine robust Poa on ledge of cliffs, Poa alpina seen, Festuca rubra? 1/2 to 1 1/2 inches high on grass slope;  Avena pratensis v. alpina?, Holly Fern, leaf of Woodsia, = Cystopteris fragilis juvenile!! like fern, but no hairs or sporangia.    


26.6.47, cont.  Corrie Fee & Corrie Sherrif, cont.

At 2.30 crossed head of Corrie Fee & went up base of cliffs east of waterfall & round buttress between Corrie Fee & then eastward upper corrie, which Mr. Colville calls Corrie [[strikethrough]] Sherriff [[/strikethrough]] Sharrach - in a last attempt to find Carex alpina but once more failed.  While rounding the above buttress & crossing base of talus came on some Cornus suecica & a big patch of Lycopodium annotinum, with some fruiting bodies.  Had tea at 4 P.M. & then climbed same gully as on –– but 2/3 way up took a side gully to W. of main gully, very steep & very slippery (wet) near top but we got up & out onto plateau & then across spur of –– & home by the deer-track down Collie Stilbo.

In upper gully found much Carex atrata of a small form & several culms with a drooping (?♂︎) spikelet well below the normal bunch of spikelets at top;  also saw some nice Salices including the narrow-leaved silvery lapponum? & the ovate-leaved lanata? & a possible hybrid between last & reticulata.  On way up main gully saw about six plants of the little fern through to be a Woodsia on 6.47 = Cystopteris juvenile!!!