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27.6.47. cont.  Clova to Caenlochan & back 

of the Feula, Dounalt, & Fee Burns, around all of which immense snow-fields had lain untill quite recently & the vegetation not yet started growth properly.  Over all this ground were hundreds of Red Deer & many Dotterel & at the Lychnis station on outward journey startled three small birds (Greenshawks! probably!!) which flew about wildly making a shrill whistling noise, like an engine letting off steam (size of Dunlin!);  after crossing the Fee Burn kept along NE. flank of Mayar by deer track & so to head of the deer track down Kilbo Corrie to Glen Doll Lodge where picked up by car at 9 P.M., but we could easily have been there by 8 P.M.

First stopped to look for plants after crossing The White Water, where some of the so-called Carex aquatilis was in flower in a marsh associated with a form of Goodenow;  then ascended NE. end of scarp (where Parsley Fern seen on 28th) & found in large patch of Lycopodium annotinum on moraine near its base & some Carex vaginata on its wet slopes.  Lychnis alpina still not in flower at head of Little Culrannoch!  By [[strikethrough]] lunch [[/strikethrough]] tea place 


27.6.47, cont.  Clova to Caenlochan & back

on a rocky scarp above the burn many plants of a Hieracium (? H. alpinum) with one large black bud on each rosette.  In crossing moor N. of Caderg & Caenlochan much nice ground covered with Cloud Berry,  Vaccinium ulignosum, Azalea procumbens, &c. & on one damp place Daisy found an abundance of Carex rariflora.  On returning from top of Caenlochan Glen went up a small rill, which issued from a large snowfield & on its edge found Sax. hypnoides & small form of Carex vaginata;  & in swampy place near & above this took several queer sedge, some of which may be immature C. pauciflora.  No!!  On way across moor after tea saw Juncus triglumis in marsh by a rill & at head of another took a tiny rush which at first sight looked like J. biglumis;  but which is probably only stunted J. -

During return journey also collected several tiny freaks of Carex rigida & in one marshy spot near source of Feula Burn, a very strong stocky sedge of the Goodenowii x aquatilis group, with very broad stiff leaves - all the plants in this spot being alike - one brought home to grow.