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7.3.48, cont.

& walked up E. side of Glenasmole past Friarstown Ho. to lane leading on to upper dam & so back through water-works to catch 4.35 bus home.  Marcus Graham with us as usual.  Very windy & saw nothing of interest.  Forsythia out in various gardens.

8th March 1948. 

Mainly dull & very mild, but strong S.W. wind.  Fed snails for first time this year.  

About 11 AM, saw ♀︎ Bombus lucorum & scores of Honey Bees on ♀︎ Salix cinerea catkins in back garden.  Mr. Roberts came to photo. the plants of Arabis petraea from Glenade & Galtees which are so very different in appearance as regards their leaves.  While talking to Roberts in back garden a ♀︎ Vespa (germanica or vulgaris) flew across garden & into Westfield Road.

Chionodoxa out in front garden, several flowers:  see p.334!

9th March 1948.

All sunny but with strong W. wind.  Sun very hot & the day in London reported to be the hottest on record for March & in Dublin temperatures up to 71F. were recorded!  Spent morning in garden & in shelter of wall was nearly wasted.  In afternoon went 


9.3.48, cont.

by bus to Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin, & spent an hour there & saw a few Bumble Bees (probably all lucorum except one almost certainly terrestris).  Viola odorata (purple) out in back garden.

10th March 1948.

Another very hot & all sunny day, but W. breeze cooler & air fresher than on 9th.

Spent morning in town & museum:  in afternoon rode to Island Bridge, through Phoenix Park & home via Killeen & The Green Hills.

11th March 1948.

All sunny also & very hot sun too, with gentle E. draught in Dublin, but smoke from fires in hills at 1200 ft. blowing from S.W.

Spent morning in garden & saw Small Tortoiseshell Butterfly, Bombus terrestris (1♀︎), & B. lucorum (several ♀︎♀︎).

1st Daffodil out in back garden in afternoon.  Chionodoxa now with dozens of flowers.  White Hyacinth out under front dining room window.  In afternoon rode to Glenasmole, left bikes below lower dam & went along top of coombs on E. side of lower reservoir, where the old bee banks now nearly destroyed by slips &c.  Some willows out here & there, & also saw