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21st April 1948.  
A dull foggy day, with drizzle & the heavy rain in late afternoon & evening.

22nd April (Thursday).

After a damp night with thunder about, a dull fine morning, with slight drizzle at times & showers about in afternoon;  late afternoon & evening very fine & sunny, but colder as wind went from SE to S. & then SW.

Drove in afternoon to Jobstown & walked up bohereen to Tumoling Pool & on to top of morainic mound 1/2 mile SW. of pool.  Many Willow Warblers about Jobstown & 2 Swallows seen there on return journey.  Besides Tumoling there are several other small tarn-sites filled with rushes W. of the bohereen, which I had not noted before Ranunculus Lenormandi looking very fine & in full flower around edge of Tumoling & also by roadside pool where the bohereen enters the "Commons".  Montia fontana & Luzula campestris also seen in flower at 1150 ft., but vegetation otherwise showing little sign of growth.  

[Horse Chestnut in Harcourt Terrace in full flower on this day & Mr. Maurice Dalton reported a Wood White Butterfly (L. sinapis) in his office in S. Frederick St.]

23rd April 1948. 
A ♂︎ Apanteles difficilis? emerged from a buff cocoon spun by a larva, ex a Geometrid larva taken 25.8.47 by R.C. Faris at Kells, Co. ME.


25th April 1948. 

A most perfect day, entirely hot sunny with pleasant easterly breeze.  Drove in car (myself, Daisy, George (home for weekend) & Marcus Graham to Louisa Bridge - arriving at 11 AM.;  collected about Rye Water till 12.30, then drove in to Deey Lock (13th) W. of Louisa Bridge & walked back to plantation at Collinstown House, in which plantation swept for an hour in afternoon.  Lunch at 1PM., left for home at 3.30 & home on tick of 4PM.  

Very few Swallows seen, also Willow Warblers!  First dragonflies: Pyrosoma nymphula plentiful.

Rye Water, Co. KD. (= 1) 
[4 only mtd. from 1 & these labelled in 13.5.1951.]

Bombus sylvarum  1 very nice fresh ♀︎ seen by canal.
Empria tridens  ♀︎ (Graham).
Cryptinids  3♂︎♂︎: none mtd.
Leptocryptus sp.  ♀︎: not mtd.
Stenomacrus morio?  ♂︎ abt. 24. 
St. curvicaudata  ♀︎, ant. 26.
Apanteles  2♂︎♂︎: not mtd.
Aspilota  ♂︎, ant. 24 = A. cf. excavata m.? sculpture of propodeum & head agree well!
D. gilvipes  1♂︎, 1♀︎. 
D. aphanta  1♂, 1♀︎. 
D. maculipes & areolaris  ♂︎: none mtd.
Mesoleius caricis  2♂︎♂︎, not mtd.
Ephredrus validus  ♂︎, ant. 11.
Aphidius  ♀︎: not mtd
Proctos, not mtd.