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23.5.48, cont. Devil's Glen, WI. cont.
Taken at 2, cont.
Orthostigma melanostigma? 2♂︎♂︎ ant. 21(?)+ 22; narrow deep
O. sp.   ♂︎ ant. 22; very wide, rugose, [[?]].
Dacnusa cf. avesta nix 1 ♂︎,ant. 32. 
D. melanocera 1 ♂︎, ant 26.
aphidiui in arena if 400 hot mtd.
G. of I [[?]] ♀︎; hot mtd.
Puerto. I =
Ghalad 3; 1 mtd. =
Gyauhad 2 nh mtd
difteron 1 with ahd. [[image]]= splegina clumpes.
melagothe jr D eaton. 1
Saphire tremthredo Ferryines, Lach [[image]]
T.bivida & T.atra.
T.manata, two huge flackered - handed [[image]]
}none kept.

26.5.48 - Garden at the Glanerille Rd. Dublin
2 P.M. Megachile centuneularis [[image]] at flower
[[image]] Rubus nenenis. Rosa lumentora by lubbith - heap with 1st flower open.
Narinum fly ; orange tauny run at.
Flowers of Genarium perenne.

26th May 1948. A dry chilly day with honey w. wind
but many Cony numbunlis [cumulonimbus].
In afternoon node / a petroe Ront?/ to Lucean
arriving almost 3.30 & leaving demure at 6.15 P.M.
Collected by reeling in 3 areas, an followin? -
1 = by nivea just below here around & river
path meet.
2 = by river just below bavier 1/2 milis alone
3 = By river just below bend below 2
& run feur taken here!
Chilly & chauyht & by for hymenoftera out,
though lot of Diptera & "water-flea".

Taken at 1. [18 from 1 mounted & there labelled on 17.10.1951]
Cryptined 1[[image]],[[image]]:[[image]] value mtd., aut. 24 = Sp.near fdirtispa?
Schigufypa atra [[image]]., aut.28.
Stenomacnu currieaud [[image]]; aut.25; mtd. oh its back!
Golartes braerniris [[image]]: mut mtd.
Arpilota rpp. 6. = A. daemon S x- G. [[image]] ant. 20
A. horona S. [[image]] G. 1 [[image]] (ant.23), 2[[image]][[image]] (ant.beth 20).
A. of. furceren [[image]]. ant.20,small.
A. (Synaldis). of [[image]] ant.21.


Transcription Notes: