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26.5.48, cont.  Lucan, DU., cont.
Taken at 3 
Left to my flis ♂
Prometheus futehellus ♂
Amfilotu ♂
None kept

30th May 1948      
Another day! Depression arrived (after a fine night) at 10 AM rain set in a wind went from W to SE. at 11 and continued till 3:30 P.M. with strong wind; then cleared and wind went SW to W., with some sunny without + showers, snow fell slightly but steadily all day.

Left home in car at 10.30 and drove to Leinlif intending to work by Water + hit wind too strong + no shelter there so close on to N. ride of Barton demeane when perfect shelter + swept roadside in lee of demerm wall + overhanging trees, where still dry, till 1 PM. + then had turned. Returned home at 3.30 P.M.


30.5.48, cont. Roadride + overhanging tree, + S.
N. of Garton demure, Co. KD. 11:30 till 1.0 P.M.
[[Aphelopu]] 2 ♂♂. I think [[?]] off leech![12 labelled on 6.6.1948! 44 labelled on 7.11.1952!!]
[No saurflies except '♀ Tenthredo arenatin + no
Vol. 1 Ich. seen on taken at all].
Cryptinid 17 of which is are ♂♂ : only 3 mtd. =
[[Pegomachu]] ♀ small, ant. 18
[[Leptoeryplie]] ♀ ant. 26.
[[Pheggadeuou]] ♂, ant. 21
[[Pimpla ?]] ant.261 very small ♀]: the only "vol. III" taken.
[[Orthoeentru]]? ♂, ant. 30; radius ex [[larsal]] 1/3 of fureaus thyme, faciall yellow + no
[No Slinomaenus taken!] runs to Slinohelium sytratius, so placed there but?? This species. A.N.S 8.11.51
Cliniseid 4♂♂, ant.29(2) + 30(2) = Clinesius 2/3
Geniet nb.? (rol.IV) ♂(?), ant.28.
Polybreath of mangenatus Hotmys. ♀, ant.29, bidened in centre!
Homocidus sp. = H of. dimidiatus ♂, fine example, ant.22.
H. beguttatus ♀, red lind cozar, ant.24.
Zootrephus of suspiscious ♀, ant.21. 
Prometha sulculir ♂ with dank beat to bind course: not mtd
P. corpnalius + P. pulchillus 1 + 2 ♀ unspectiny: not mtd.

Phrudus exareolatus mili ♂, ant.18.

Transcription Notes:
♂ ♀ ☿