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9.6.48, cont.  Glenasmole, DU., cont.

Taken at 2. [49 mounted & there labelled 13.11.1951.] 
[[Safice?]] 4. Pterorides bright green ♀︎ (Ron Salem) = Pt. oligorpela?
Thrimar macula ♀︎ (? off bracken).
Selundria mario ♀︎ in many,
Tettudes "aneata" ♀︎♀︎. 
Guddis Fly: very abundant in ramp alone roading mea St.Ammis
Cryptunis S (2 mtd.) = mucorcayptus of granpes ♀︎, ant. 22, but ummj, very dark.
Cratoeryptus of pannulus ♀︎,ant.22.

Colpomeria quadriseulpta ♀︎ Aerrdactyla degenn ♀︎: not mtd.
Stenomaere euricaudatus ♂︎+♀︎, ant.27+24; virtually no areolet!
Promether laticamfer + eogualism ♂︎♂︎+1♀︎
Helictia of ♂︎.
Bracon filiper ♂︎,
Apantale 3 aff. 5 ears = A. tetricus 2♂︎♂︎,1♀︎;
A. opacus np.n? ♀︎; like solitarius but memartum closely permetate, matt!
Acoclius nulfaciatus 1 ♂︎.
Mirrortonus of cullius marsh. ♀︎, small, testaceaus; ant.23
Dicorpilus raptio 1♂︎:not mtd.
Opius off.5. = O. falteatus m. 1 very nice ♀︎. ant.28. O.of. tienpo m. ♂︎ ant.24.
O.breritammus sp.7. 2♀︎♀︎(1 type!), ant.21 & 22; near narnus m. but steranli cumate, +!
O. of tacitus Hal. small ♀︎, ant.25. 


9.6.48, cont. Glenasmole, DU., cont.
Taken at 2, cont.
Pheanveafa nonfuneatin ♂︎; not mtd.
Arpilota off 12 = A. atra:small♀︎,ant.22. A.of.nigreseens 2♂︎♂︎,1♀︎ {ant.22-24+17.
A. fuscescen?♂︎,ant.23. A. ferscicorni ? 1 very dark ♂︎, ant.19. 
A. nunealania? ♀︎,ant.16;rather long toretra?; dark-lined Lind Fermora.
A.(Synaldis) of corneolor, 1 minute ♂︎♀︎}ant.16+14. A. rp. dark logs, long antennae ♂︎+♀︎, ant.20+18.
Daemusa areolareis, longiradialis (1), lanipectus, puleseus none mtd. ♂︎♂︎+♀︎♀︎^.
D.atruitula,♀︎, ant.27. D.talaris,♀︎,ant.32
D.ofera 4♂︎♂︎, ant.all 28.
D.dirona nixon ♀︎,ant 26
D.of.arenta nixon, ant.33.
Ethedruis flaguitor ♂︎+ E. licentorus small♀︎:neither mtd.
Praon africtus ♀︎ ant.16. : Triage of pallidum Hal. ♀︎, ant.11.small [?nobouis + palidus, mirth and same species! H.W.G 16.11.51
Afhidius off.3:only 1 mtd. = A. ptereommae? small♀︎,ant.18.

Proctors 2: 1 mtd. = Enallorys of pannulus ♂︎
Chaluds .5: more mtd.
Diftero 2 = Beries  + small yellow "gnat" with rory
black stigma in wings = 
boluftuna 2=

Tricurlepedoleroa: brory wings =

Transcription Notes:
♂︎ ♀︎ ☿