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13.6.1948, cont.  The Murrough, WI., cont.
Taken at 2, cont.

Meteorus abdominator ♀, ant. 22.
Opius ingularis ♀ : not mtd.
Phaenoranta Cenida ♂ : not mtd. 
Dacrusa areolis 2♂♂ : not mtd. D. cyclops: not mtd.
D. aphanta ♀ : not mtd. D. (G.) [[attin?]] ♀: not mtd.

[arm mi. Gyrocanpa with darkish [[?ps]] & liken by Graham, monthly here on at 3!]
Aphidian F. my male ♀, only;}
Roots. Teleu of ? , }
Chalert. 6}
Cynifid 2}
none mtd.
Beetle. Bhyrnis various very common: 1 mtd. & 3 others = Thinoncus perpendicularis Reit fid. H.W. Daltry

Sawlike prism to Graham

Green Hoistreak Butterflies on brick in sand, [Macroflora stellatas (1), Pluria gamma (1) seen along [[railrd?]] at 1]

13.6 48, cont.  
The murrough, WI., cont. 
Tahemat 3, i.e. an edge of reed bed! [1] mounted & there labelled on 20.11.1951]

Aritranis Caucopyga a most beautiful & large ♀; ant.23. = A. clepan [[Desr.?]] (fide Kerrick). & 3 other Cryptinids

Leptoryptus  [[?]] ♂ ant. 27: Exolytus [[?]] ♀, ant. 23.
Hemiteles  [[?]] ♀, ant. 20.
[[Panipla?]] melanopyga, malleid ♂, ant. 25.
Zootriphan cf. suspicious ♂, nearly all mid abdomen; mtd. mitback; ant. 20.
Meloboris? [[?]] ♂, laye, ant. 36.
Ampitis ? [[?]] ♀; ant. 28.

Rogas cf. circumseriptus, group ♂, testaceous, ant. [[ltd.?]]

Apantelon ferrynius 4 (1♂, 3♀♀).
A. cf. callidus ? 1♂.

Acoclius [[mtfasciatus?]], ♂. 
Procts 1 =
Chalcid 3: not mtd.
Cynipid 1 singular: not mtd.
Dipteron =

13.6.48. Taken by [[Eugene?]] O'Mahong on the North Bull, Dublin, on [[underlined]]Lotus corriculatus.[[/underlined]]
Meteorus scatellatus ♀, ant. 31.

Transcription Notes:
A lot illegible or faint writing. Do not know all species names, please check - also format for underlining?