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24 Lincoln Avenue
Takoma Park 12, Maryland
April 11, 1945

Mr. A. W. Stelfox
National Museum of Ireland
Kildare Street
Dublin, Eire

Dear Mr. Stelfox:

Undetermined unmounted Irish ichneumonids would interest me very much. I have relatively few European specimens, so that many of the species that you consider very common would be new to me. I have some opportunity to name for myself what you might end as in Washington one has access to all of the literature on the family and the European material in the United States National Museum. Even where I can't get specific names, the material will be useful in the study of genera and to compare with Nearctic species. Anything you could send would be welcome.

I can send any of the Holarctic species on my exchange list. Incidentally, would you like a male of Diplazon laetatorius? I have several. The genotype species of many of the Holarctic genera and their synonyms are Nearctic. A collection of these would be of value to any study of the European species. Could I send you some genotypes?

I have read Perkins' papers with great interest. He has been making some very good contributions to the literature on ichneumonids. I hope that nothing stops his progress.

Sincerely yours,
Henry Townes
Henry Townes