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24.6.48, cont.  Buckroney dunes, &c., WI., cont.

Taken at 3, cont.

Aspilota concinna ♀︎, very nice; [♂︎ taken by Graham at 2] Not seen when labelling!
Dacnusa cyclops 2; not mtd.
D. areolaris, the small sandhill form 10, mostly ♀︎♀︎: none mtd.
Coelinius viduus frequent, ♂︎♂︎ only taken: none mtd.
Trioxys cf. auctus  ♀︎, ant. 11/12.
Aphidius renominatus  ♀︎, ant. 16 = cirsii Hal.
Proctos.  10: none mtd.
Chalcids, including 1♀︎ Mymarid 19: none mtd.
Cynipid 1: not mtd.
Diptera  3 = 
Beetle.  Donacia cf. linearis 2 (= simplex).
Hemiptera.  Therapha hyoscami common - babies & adults;  Stenocephalus agilis & sabulosus;  the last very abundant.

Taken by A.W.S. in back garden 14 Clareville Rd., Harold's Cross, Dublin.

Paniscus cf. longipes  ♂︎, ant. 44
Campoplex  ♀︎, large sp.;  black & orange abdomen, ant. 59.


27th June 1948.

A fine morning with strong W. wind;  with heavy & prolonged showers accompanied by almost a gale as each shower came on;  much colder than earlier in week.  Had R.C. Faris (Cavan) & M.W.R. de V. Graham with me all day (10.30 AM. - 9.30 PM.) talking mainly about sawflies, on which group Faris is doing marvellous work in Cavan - particularly breeding work.  Spent forenoon discussing, & looking at sawflies, &c., but after lunch I drove the party to R. Liffey, S. of Osberstown Ho., Sallins, Co. KD. to show Faris what R.D. Meikle thinks is Salix nigricans & hybrids between that & other species.  Also showed him Meikle's station for Equisetum variegatum at same place & swept a few insects there at same time.

Later drove on through heavy shower to Landenstown but too wet to do any collecting & after a further shower drove home, arriving back about 6.15.

Insects collected in willow-alder scrub on rt. bank of R. Liffey, S. of Osberstown, Co. KD.  3.0-4.0 P.M.
[15 mounted & these labelled Dec. 1952.]

Odynerus sinuatus  1 taken & O. pictus ♂︎ seen on roadside.
Crabro leucostomus  1 taken & C. chrysostomus ♂︎ seen.
Adelognathus (Notomerus) thomsoni  1♀︎, ant. 15!  Seems to fit description well!!  A.W.S. 21.12.52.
Mesochorus sp. 1♀︎, ant. 32.